Los Angeles County Outdoor Science School Wrightwood San Bernardino Mountains Angelus Oaks, CA 92305 Mon, Nov. 6 ~ TH, Nov. 9
Forms are up on Montemalaga’s Edlio Home Page Note, to attend: TB test must be current and on file. If TB test is Not current, you must get tested ASAP and turn in the paperwork to office.
What is Outdoor Science School? Week long learning experience with an emphasis on outdoor science in a natural environment Focus on the study of ecosystems and human interactions with the environment Unique opportunity to learn about human interrelationships
Group Responsibilities Living together in groups of about ten, students: Keep their cabin neat and clean Set and clear tables for dining Work cooperatively to accomplish the tasks of daily living Learn independence and self-reliance
Staff & Safety Trained, certificated educators Degrees in Science Experience teaching children in the outdoors Trained in safety, first aid, and emergency response Students are supervised at all times Meals are nutritious and “kid friendly” Activities are safe Adequate rest periods are provided
Where? San Bernardino Mountains Angelus Oaks, CA 92305
Return Montemalaga Elementary School When? Mon. Nov. 6 Arrive at School by 7:20 Depart: 7:50am Return Montemalaga Elementary School TH. Nov. 9, 1:00 pm (?)
Visiting & Restrictions Visits to Outdoor Science School during the time students are there are Not permitted! Students do not have access to telephones Cells phones are prohibited! ~Other forms of cameras must be used.~
How to Send a Letter to Your Child Child’s Name and School LACOSS—Wrightwood P.O. Box 1561 Wrightwood, CA 92397-1561 Office can collect letters before departure if ready.
Health Information Fill in information as thoroughly as possible (Please, no blanks) Indicate special dietary needs and food allergies Make us aware of health issues we may not normally encounter at school
Illness and Other Emergencies If a child becomes ill at OSS, or if there is any type of emergency, you will be contacted immediately Fevers of 101 require that a student be sent home It is important that all health forms be filled out accurately and thoroughly-No Blanks Students sent home for illness or other reason will be required to be picked up by the parent
Medications Prescription medications will be administered to students with physician forms only! Medications and paperwork must be received at the school prior to the departure Checking YES to item #3 on the Medical information form will allow teachers to treat your child for minor ailments such as headaches, sore throat, or upset stomach with non-prescription medication.
Packing Students should pack their own bags – they will have to repack on their own! One duffel bag or suitcase per child Mark clothing with name if you expect to it back again Children are outside and often on the ground – please send clothes that can get dirty
What to Bring? Reusable Water Bottle Sleeping Bag or bedroll (sheets and blankets) Warm coat or jacket 2 pairs of sturdy shoes 1 pair boots (older, more "broken-in"=less blisters) 1 pair sneakers (bring 2 if your student doesn't have boots) 3-5 pairs of socks (at least 2 heavy, if possible) 2 pairs long pants 3 shirts(at least one long-sleeved) 1 warm sweater or sweatshirt 4 changes of underwear 1 set of bedclothes (pajamas, sweats, short & t shirt, etc.) Bath towel and washcloth Toiletries Letter writing materials (stationary or postcards and stamps) Sunglasses and sunscreen Pencils
What to Bring? If the weather is cold: Hat, gloves, scarf Warm, water-resistant boots 6 pairs of socks Long underwear or thermals 3 pair pants 3 shirts and sweaters If the weather is hot: Brimmed hat or cap Optional Items: Flashlight Daypack Camera and Film Pillow
Discipline LACOSS has established a discipline summary and contract Strictly enforced Necessary for everyone’s safety and to optimize the time at the school Positive reinforcement Consequences Point system Teachers are involved and enforce consequences Students may be sent home for disruptive, dangerous, or blatant disregard for the school rules
Cabin Leaders Need 5 women 5 men (?) plus alternatives Four day/three night commitment Love kids and nature and are fit for outdoor activity Sense of humor and flexible Incredibly rewarding experience
Daily Schedule 7:00 am – Wake up 7:50 am – Breakfast 9:15 am – Group Meeting; Trail Group hike, Lessons, Lunch on the Trail 4:00 pm – Group Meeting / Cabin Time 5:20 pm – Dinner 6:00 pm – Cabin Time / FOB 7:00 pm – Evening Program 8:45 pm – Bed Prep 9:30 pm – Lights Out
Questions? Wrightwood HERE Parent Page HERE Today’s Weather HERE See this presentation and all documents on EDLio.
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