Mrs. Temples Comp Science 2 Mrs. Temples
My website is https://temples. educatorpages My website is You can find many resources there: Class PowerPoints Classroom procedures and expectations Updates and Science Fair
Grading and Assignments… The grade book is set up to help students be as successful as possible and so that one low grade does not drastically drop a students overall grade. Most assignments will be done in class, homework will be to study, finish or correct an assignment, or to catch up if a student has fallen behind.
Make Up Work Can be found in Focus Can be printed Can be uploaded
SCIENCE FAIR… Science fair will be completed during the second 9 weeks. There will be two tracks Competition Non-Competition Students and parents will decide which track to follow. Non-Competition track can be completed in less than a day and will only require the completion of a PowerPoint that will be uploaded into focus. Competition track will require ISEF paperwork, a backboard and an experimentation log
Text Book Students can leave their text book in the class or their locker. They can take it home anytime they want. An electronic copy of the text book can be found in One View under my class. Books are consumable and can be written in.
Wish List Printer Paper EXPO Cleaner Paper Towels Tissues Hand Sanitizer EXPO Markers
Remember… Science is FUN!