Wireless Sensor Networks -Venkata anirudh addepalli
OUTLINE What is a WSN Components of a WSN Communication Architecture Applications of WSN Protocol Stack Routing Protocols Data Centric Routing and Aggregation WSN Operating Systems Conclusion
What is a WSN A group of sensors deployed in a remote site that communicate using wireless technology with each other to pass the collected data to a end user.
Components of a WSN
Communication Architecture
Applications of WSN
Protocol Stack
Routing Protocols SPIN Directed Diffusion Rumor Routing, etc. LEACH PEGASIS SPIN Directed Diffusion Rumor Routing, etc.
Data Centric Routing and Aggregation Interest dissemination is performed to assign sensing tasks to sensor nodes Sinks broadcast the interest Sensor nodes broadcast an advertisement for available data Requires attribute-based naming Users are more interested in querying the attribute of the phenomenon, rather than querying an individual node E.g. the sensor nodes in the area where temperature is greater than 75 F
WSN Operating Systems TinyOS Contiki MANTIS BTnut SOS Nano-RK
Conclusion WSNs possible today due to technological advancement in various domains Internet of Things Design Constraints need to be satisfied for realization of sensor networks Tremendous research efforts being made in different layers of WSNs protocol stack