English 12 Culminating Senior project Jada Johnson
Leadership: Their eyes were watching god This poem is all about what it is to be a leader. In the book Their Eyes Were Watching God Jaine was a leader to Pheobe! Janies actions changed how Pheobe lived her life. "Leading like a Leader" With the correct mentality I dreamed but pleaded, For god is my savior and Pride has retreated. Knowing ignorance can’t win But shame will blame the system, Of needing and knowing what’s right Or what’s wrong, better saying. As a leader not a follower My strides have been set To live my life with honor, no regret. I push myself using all of my tools. Physically I strive, mentally I’m better But deprived from attitude is not too clever. Leading with love and heart to play With bullets or balloons they go the same way I don’t think I just do it, I choose it. I’m me and you’re you, So you can follow but I will lead You are you and I am ME. Author: Derrick Pereslucha
American dream: the great gatsby, the grapes of wrath This cartoon describes the American dream. It sounded good but no one could really reach it and it was making life harder. On the white side of the cartoon kind of how Gatsby lived and On the black side how the Jodes lived.
Accountability of leaders: 1984 http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/01/08/ google-schmidt-studies-limited-internet-life- in-north-korea/ This article is about how in North Korea is limited to use the internet. Just like in 1984 when everything they do is restricted.
Courage; Integrity: antigone, the night thoreau spent in jail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvgLq43 1wFY In this video they talk about courage and what it means. The story of Antigone she had the courage to stand up to the king and bury her brother even though he forbid it. In The Night Thoreau Spent In Jail Thoreau showed integrity by not conforming to society.
What I've learned Be a leader not a follower American dream Over controlling leaders Courage and Integerity