What do you like most about yourself and why?


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Presentation transcript:

What do you like most about yourself and why? Journal #7 What do you like most about yourself and why?

THINK! GET INVOLVED! 1. Should the United States consider taking over new lands? 2. Why or why not? 3. Where would you suggest we conquer, if our government did decide to take over new lands? 4. What would we gain or lose by doing so?

IMPERIALISM: doctrine or system to create an EMPIRE European Imperialism Preview: How did the Industrial Revolution cause European nations to take over colonies in Africa & Asia?

AGE OF IMPERIALISM 1800-1914 What is Imperialism? From 1850 to 1914, the strong, industrialized countries of the world (England, France, Germany, USA) dominated many of the weaker countries of the world & controlled all aspects of their lives – ECONOMICS, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL.

MOTIVATIONS FOR IMPERIALISM 1.ECONOMIC MOTIVE – The Industrial Revolution created a huge demand for raw materials so countries could manufacture more factory produced goods – materials such as oil, tin, rubber, cotton, etc. and it also created a demand for overseas markets, places to see their goods. –

MOTIVATIONS FOR IMPERIALISM 2.POLITICAL MOTIVE – Each country in Europe wanted to be the most important & powerful nation. Having a lot of overseas colonies showed power. This turned into an all out race for the best and most colonies.

MOTIVATIONS FOR IMPERIALISM 3.SOCIAL MOTIVE – Europeans believed that had a moral responsibility to spread their religious, political and economic theories to the world. Christian missionaries attempted to convert the “uncivilized” by building schools, churches and hospitals. Europeans believed they were the superior race – “social darwinism.”

APPLY UNDERSTANDING Describe the connection between the Industrial Revolution in Europe and the rise of imperialism in the 19th century? What would be the impact of the Industrial Revolution on colonial societies? How do you think natives of these countries would feel when becoming subjects of an imperialist regime?

Journal #8 1. What is imperialism? 2. Why do countries go about practicing imperialism? (last class we discussed 3 “motives)

Southeast Asia Map Assignment Using a map of Southeast Asia, label the following: You will use page 96 in your Student Atlas to help you locate the countries: MYANMAR/BURMA PHILIPPINES THAILAND SINGAPORE LAOS MALAYSIA CAMBODIA INDONESIA VIETNAM

Next step for your map assignment Using the Reading Essentials and Study Guide, read pgs. 340-341 under the heading Colonial Takeover in Southeast Asia. As you read, shade the area of your map that Great Britain, the French and the United States has control over. Be sure to make a key for your map to show which countries took control of which Southeast Asian areas in the 1900’s. You will need three different colored pencils.

Lastly.. On the back of your map, create a chart or some way that explains what areas each country took over and why. You will use pages 340-341 again (You need to read!!!) For example: Great Britain – Singapore, because it was a stopping point for trade to China

SINGAPORE Why does Singapore have the highest standard of living in Southeast Asia? How does the government maintain law and order in Singapore?