Southern NSW Joint Integrated Care Strategy Southern NSW LHD / South Eastern NSW PHN (COORDINARE) Lisa Kennedy – Cluster General Manager, Eurobodalla, SNSWLHD Linda Livingstone – Director, Engagement & Coordination, COORDINARE Philippa Gately – Mgr, Service & System Integration, Sth NSW, COORDINARE
The Key Issue that the Integrated Care Program is seeking to address (i.e. the problem statement) (For Who and Why?) Service delivery and access to health care across Southern NSW is fragmented and not coordinated across primary and secondary care. This leads to duplication and gaps, and does not support delivery of client-centred, effective care.
The Core Aims and Objectives of the Integrated Care Project / Program (What?) To develop a framework and agreed principles, values and ways of working across COORDINARE and SNSWLHD to enable: Improved coordination of care Improve patient experience and outcomes Shared service priorities Shared workplans focusing on agreed priority areas according to population demand
The Proposed Approach / Options Being Considered for the Implementation of the Integrated Care Project (How?) Establish a shared vision and strategic priorities. Creation of a working group with terms of reference outlining agreed roles and responsibilities, reporting and communication throughout the project lifespan. Internal roles within both LHD and PHN will be used to engage with consumers. Build in utilisation of the maturity model capturing performance against the 5 integrated care criteria consistent with the Formative Evaluation of the NSW Health Integrated Care Strategy.
Key issues the delegates wish to learn more about during their summer school experience Lisa - Develop an improved understanding of integrated care and the current evidence base – with particular interest in the empowering people sessions. Applying what's learnt to enable an excellent and successful project. Linda – learn from others experience of how to ensure plan is a living thing that has realistic outcomes for local people Philippa - Leverage the experience of facilitators and participants to gain practical insights into successful integrated care strategies