Nationalist Revolutions: Latin America, Italy, Germany Nationalism Creoles Realpolitik
Nationalism Definition: The belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history Unification Separation
Pros and Cons PROS CONS Overcome differences Overthrow colonial rule Democratic nations Competition spurs advancement CONS Forced assimilation into a majority Ethnic Cleansing Competition leads to warfare
Revolutions in Latin America Creoles: Spanish born in Latin America Least persecuted and most educated! Inspire by Enlightenment and Revolutions No loyalty to the new king of Spain (placed there by Napoleon) so they rebelled.
Simon Bolivar Led by Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin, two Creole generals United Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, and Ecuador into a country called Gran Columbia
Simon Bolivar Take a moment to read the Letter written by Simon Bolivar Highlight any words you do not know Put a star next to important points or concepts Put a question mark next to confusing parts Look at each of the Statements made about the Letter and follow the directions at the top of the page
Mexican Independence Led mostly by Mestizos and Indians Inspired by Enlightenemnt Miguel Hidalgo: “Grito de Dolores” Defeated until Creoles joined the cause
Nationalism: Italy Unification: As old empires crumbled Italy was not content to live under foreign rulers BRAINS: Cavour-skillful diplomat made alliances to unite the North of Italy SWORD: Garibaldi- fought to unite the South
Nationalism: Germany Unification led by Otto Von Bismarck Realpolitik= politics of reality “issues of the day will be decided by blood and iron” 1st step= United with Austria to win territory from Denmark 2nd step=Start conflict with Austria to win more territory 3rd step=convince Southern territories to join Germany by provoking war with France and winning!!