Development of the World and the Finnish Economy 12/30/2018 Technology Industries of Finland
Change in Investments, % Economic Forecasts for Finland Forecaster Date Change in GDP, % Change in private Consumption, % Change in Exports, % Change in Investments, % Inflation, % * Unemployment rate, % 2017 2018 2019 Danske Bank 19.12.2017 3,1 2,3 1,9 2,0 1,5 4,0 4,5 3,5 1,2 1,4 8,0 7,7 Nordea 24.1.2018 3,2 3,0 2,5 2,9 2,8 4,8 4,7 6,3 3,6 1,0 7,5 OP-Pohjola 22.1.2018 3,3 4,3 6,0 1,7 7,8 7,4 Ministry of Finance 13.4.2018 2,6 2,2 1,8 6,1 3,8 8,1 Bank of Finland 18.12.2017 1,6 1,3 8,2 7,9 ETLA 20.3.2018 2,4 3,7 4,4 PTT 13.3.2018 PT 11.4.2018 2,7 5,3 4,6 3,9 1,1 European commission 3.5.2018 5,4 8,4 8,3 OECD 28.11.2017 5,5 5,0 IMF 17.4.2018 Average 5,2 4,2 12/30/2018 Technology Industries of Finland *) European commission, OECD ja IMF report Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices Updated 23.5.2018
Economic Outlook for Finland Change in volume per year, % 2017 2018e 2019e 2020e GDP 3,0 2,8 2,4 1,9 Ind. production 5,3 4,5 4,2 Export 8,3 4,0 3,7 2,5 Import 2,0 Private investments 8,8 2,9 4,6 3,4 Private consumption 1,6 1,7 Public consumption 1,0 0,5 0,3 2017 2018e 2019e 2020e Inflation 0,8 1,2 1,5 1,9 Earnings 0,2 2,0 2,8 Unemployment rate 8,6 8,1 7,7 7,4 3 month euribor -0,3 0,7 Current account* 0,9 1,1 EMU surplus/deficit* -0,9 -0,6 -0,1 0,4 EMU gross dept* 62,4 60,8 59,4 57,6 *) % of GDP 12/30/2018 Technology Industries of Finland Source: ETLA Updated 20.3.2018
Sales and Construction of new one-family houses in the USA 12/30/2018 Technology Industries of Finland Seasonally adjusted information Source: Macrobond
Consumer Confidence in Eurozone 12/30/2018 Technology Industries of Finland Seasonally adjusted information Source: Macrobond, European Commission
Consumer Confidence in USA 12/30/2018 Technology Industries of Finland Seasonally adjusted information Source: Macrobond, Conference Board
Consumer Confidence in Finland 12/30/2018 Technology Industries of Finland Seasonally adjusted information Source: Macrobond, Statistics Finland
Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index in USA 12/30/2018 Technology Industries of Finland Source: Macrobond, ISM Reading over 50 = situation is better than in previous month Reading under 50= situation is worse than in previous month