#ComputationalArchivalScience Workshop on Computational Archival Science A collaboration between The National Archives and King’s College London #ComputationalArchivalScience
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Background: computational archival science
The Emergence of Computational XXX’s XXX=Social Science “Investigating social and behavioral relationships and interactions through: social simulation, modeling, network analysis, and media analysis”, Wikipedia XXX=Biology “The science of using biological data to develop algorithms or models to better understand biological systems”, Wikipedia XXX=Journalism “Finding and telling news stories, WITH, BY, or ABOUT algorithms”, N. Diakopoulos XXX=Archival Science ? The Focus of this workshop…
What is computational archival science? A trans-disciplinary field concerned with the application of: computational methods and resources to large-scale records/archives processing, analysis, storage, long-term preservation, and access, with the aim of improving efficiency, productivity and precision in support of appraisal, arrangement and description, preservation and access decisions, and engaging and undertaking research with archival materials. An interdisciplinary field concerned with the application of computational methods and resources to large-scale records/archives processing, analysis, storage, long-term preservation, and access, with aim of improving efficiency, productivity and precision in support of appraisal, arrangement and description, preservation and access decisions, and engaging and undertaking research with archival material. Computational Archival Science Portal http://dcicblog.umd.edu/cas/
Google Group: computational-archival-science@googlegroups.com Goal: Explore computational treatments of archival and cultural content Google Group: computational-archival-science@googlegroups.com Founding Partners: UBC: Vicki Lemieux KCL: Mark Hedges TACC: Maria Esteva NARA: Mark Conrad UMD: Michael Kurtz, Bill Underwood, Greg Jansen, Richard Marciano Book Chapter: 2018 Book: “Advances in Librarianship – Re-Envisioning the MLIS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education”. Book Chapter: “Archival Records and Training in the Age of Big Data”
Opportunities to Engage Community Engagement Workshop: Integrating Archival Education with Technology and Research SAA Archives and Records 2018, Wed. Aug. 15, Washington, D.C. https://archives2018.sched.com/event/EUFY/community-engagement-workshop-integrating-archival-education-with-technology-and-research Computational Archival Science Workshop IEEE Big Data 2018, December 10-13, Seattle http://dcicblog.umd.edu/cas/ieee-big-data-2018-3rd-cas-workshop/ Workshop on Developing a Computational Framework for Library and Archival Education In Conjunction with the iConference 2019, April 3rd & 4th, 2019, U. Maryland http://ischools.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CFP_iConference2019.pdf
This workshop
Focus of the workshop Focus of this workshop is on archival practice: How can computational approaches be used to support archival practice in the creation and preservation of reliable and authentic records and archives? e.g. (partially) automating or assisting archival processes such as appraisal and description. But also taking account of the users of archives : how can access/interaction be supported/enhanced?
Objectives of the Workshop To identify and evaluate current trends, requirements, potential, and risks in the field, and to examine the consequences and questions that may arise. To determine possible research agendas and collaborations for the evolution of the field in the coming years. To establish a community of practice for developing collaborative projects, and liaising with the wider international community in the field. The workshop has three objectives: To identify and evaluate current trends, requirements, potential, and risks in the field, and to examine the consequences and questions that may arise. To determine possible research agendas and collaborations for the evolution of the field in the coming years. To establish a community of practice for developing collaborative projects, and liaising with the wider international community in the field.
Four topics for breakout groups Archivists at work User perspective: access and interaction Infrastructure Education and Training
Message from our sponsor This workshop is partially supported by the PARTHENOS project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under the grant agreement: No 654119. Foresight Study: to investigate how (digital) research methods, technologies and infrastructures in digital humanities and cultural heritage may develop over the next 5-10 years, and to inform and influence this development by identifying strategies and interventions.
Breakout sessions
Topic 1: Archivists at work: appraisal, selection, classification, organisation, creating finding aids, … Topic 2: User perspectives: access, retrieval and interaction with archives, by researchers and public Topic 3: Infrastructure requirements for computational archives Topic 4: Education & training (BA/BSc, MA/MSc, CDP). What are the consequences of this computational turn for E&T of archivists?
Structuring the discussion? current trends – what is happening, and what impact is it having? potentialities and opportunities – what may happen? requirements – what do we want to happen? obstacles, constraints, risks and threats – what might prevent this from happening? what activities and interventions (e.g. funding programmes, strategic research, service provision) might serve to ‘optimise’ outcomes? These trends etc. may have aspects relating to technology, to scholarly or professional practice, or to the broader ‘environment’ (social, cultural, economic, political, etc.), or some combination.
GDocs for Notes Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vYttTwzzi3DoLBAGJM4sKd1IpF HXY0_8?usp=sharing