The Writer By Richard Wilbur
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress “If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.” -- Fredrick Douglass What point do you think Fredrick Douglass is trying to make in this quote? Copy the quote and explain it’s significance in your Writer’s Notebook.
Title Make a prediction about what the poem might be about. Try to go beyond answering simply – a writer.
Paraphrase Paraphrase what is happening in stanzas 1-3 Who is the speaker Who are the characters What are the characters doing? Paraphrase what is happening in stanzas 4-5 Paraphrase what is happening in stanzas 6-10 What is the speaker remembering? Paraphrase the last stanza What is the speaker’s wish?
Connotation/Attitude Label any imagery, similes, metaphors and/or sound devices in stanzas 1-3 Is the connotation positive or negative? What is the speaker’s attitude toward the subject? Label any imagery, personification and/or sound devices in stanzas 4-5 Label any imagery, similes, metaphors and/or sound devices in stanzas 6-10 What is the speaker’s attitude in the last stanza?
Shifts Explain the shifts in the poem. What purpose do they serve? Title Revisit your original prediction. Were you correct? If not, how were you wrong?
Theme What do you think Robert Wilbur is trying to teach us or show us? Things to consider: Think about the Fredrick Douglass quote. Why does the father not step in to help his daughter? How is the daughter like the bird?
Big Question Why is the journey of life filled with both difficulties and victories?