A Socio-Economic & Demographic Analysis The North East A Socio-Economic & Demographic Analysis
Per Capita Income Source: http://www.census.gov/statab/ranks/rank29.html
Education Source: http://nces.ed.gov/programs/stateprofiles/sresult.asp?mode=short&s1=09&s2=36
Source: http://www. massbudget. org/documentsearch/findDocument
Diversity in the North East
New York Unemployment Source: http://www.fiscalpolicy.org/publications2007/SOWNY/SWNY07_WebEditionFinal.pdf
Intrastate Variations FIGURE III-7 Source: CT Department of Labor, Labor Market Information Data, August 2010.
Source: http://www. massbudget
New York
Political Culture Individual Political Culture Dominant Mixed with Others Source, Daniel Elazar, Political Cultures of the US
“In such a system, an individual can secede politically, not by dealing with issues in some exceptional way or by accepting some concept of good government and then striving to implement it, but by maintaining his place in the system of mutual obligations.” -Daniel Elazar