Bonfire Night
King James I He decided to pass laws against Catholics
In 1605, a small group of Catholics decided to kill him.
They decided to BLOW UP the Houses of Parliament .
They decided to use barrels of gunpowder to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
One of the men was called Guy Fawkes.
But…guess what happened? The barrels exploded He was caught He ran away
Guy Fawkes was caught by the guards!
Guy Fawkes and his friends were punished for attempting to kill the King. They were taken to the Tower of London (a prison)...
Guy Fawkes wrote this in his cell in the Tower of London Guy Fawkes wrote this in his cell in the Tower of London. His real name was Guido Fawkes.
We still remember this fact with a celebration on November 5th.
Churches ring their bells every year.
People make bonfires...
... And fireworks.
People make models of Guy Fawkes and put on top of the bonfires to burn.
Children learn a poem to help them remember: Remember, remember the fifth of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason, why gunpowder treason, Should ever be forgot.