THIRD GRADE Welcome to at Francis Hazel Reid Elementary School


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Presentation transcript:

THIRD GRADE Welcome to at Francis Hazel Reid Elementary School A TEAM of 21st Century Learners 2017-2018 Welcome to THIRD GRADE at Francis Hazel Reid Elementary School Go for the Gold!

Ms. Andrea Tomlinson Mrs. Andrea Drude

Our Daily Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Homeroom   Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:30 - 8:05 Homeroom Homeroo 8:10 - 9:30 Math 9:30 - 10:00 Science/SS P.E. 10:00 - 10:30 Music Art 10:30 - 11:00 Computer Lab (11:15) Art (10:50) 11:00 - 11:15 Read-A-Loud 11:15 - 12:20 Literacy Literac 12:20 - 12:50 Writing 12:55 - 1:25 Lunch 1:30 - 2:00 Recess 2:00 - 2:30 Power Up Library 2:30 Dismissal

Our Essential Agreements The students in room 21 have agreed to the following Essential Agreements: Respect Self, Others and Property. Respect, Responsibility, Relationships Work together to help everyone. Be a good friend to all. Don’t touch Mrs. Drude’s things.

Clip Up, Clip Down Behavior Plan Level 1 Think About It Interrupting •Not following directions Level 2 Teacher’s Choice 3 repeats of Level 1 •Teasing •Name calling Profanity •Cheating •Plagiarism Level 3 Parent Contact 3 repeats of Level 2 •Bullying •Fighting •Vandalism Threatening •Stealing •Weapons or look a likes

Language Arts Curriculum Reading Assessments Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Word Study

Reading Assessments DRA 2 PALS Grades K-5 Grades K-3 Assesses students’ reading engagement, oral reading fluency and reading comprehension Administered in September and May to all students Used to find students’ strengths and weaknesses in reading Results used to guide instructional decisions with flexible grouping PALS Grades K-3 Administered in September and May Kindergarten students screened for reading readiness with tasks including rhymes, beginning sounds, and alphabet knowledge Students in grades 1-3 have spelling and sight word knowledge assessed, along with oral reading fluency Students who have difficulty meeting the grade level benchmark work with PALS tutors for 15-20 minutes daily

Reading Workshop Reading workshop is a daily time for students to interact with fiction and non-fiction texts in a variety of ways to continuously develop as critical readers Instruction is presented in whole group focus lessons, small guided reading or strategy groups, and individual conferences. Students are engaged in various literacy activities while the teacher meets with students. Students have the opportunity to engage with peers to socially construct their learning, as well as have time to independently practice and apply their learning in multiple genres.

Writing Workshop Students will use the writing process. Teachers give instruction through short mini-lessons, followed by individual or group conferences. Students have opportunities to share their writing

Word Study The focus is on learning the word patterns, not memorizing the words. Children examine and make critical judgments about speech sounds, word structures, spelling patterns and meanings after sorting words. In this program students build automaticity which builds fluency which in turn builds comprehension.

Developing Educated Citizens Engage students in critical thinking and inquiry Display evidence of student inquiry in its various stages Promote student action at school, home, and in the local and global community Report on student growth and progress

3rd Grade Testing CogAT Cognitive Ability Testing (given in 2nd Grade) Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Testing (given in 3rd Grade) IA Tests End of Unit Assessments in Content Areas MAP Math, Reading, & Writing SoL Standards of Learning *Reading & Math 

2 – Progressing Toward Standard 3 = B (89-75%) 2 = C (74-50%) 1 = D/F (less than 50%) 3 –Meets the Standard 2 – Progressing Toward Standard 4 – Exceeds the Standard 1 – Below Standard The purpose of this presentation is to explain some changes we are implementing in our assessment and grading practices and to anticipate some of the questions parents might have.

School/Home Communication Daily Agenda Email: Reid Reporter Weekly newsletters via email Report Cards Daily Behavior Log

Home Folder Goes home EACH DAY!  Blue Nicky Folder Weekly Reading Log Monthly Behavior Sheet Math homework

Rigor, Relevance and Relationships Blended Math Hands On Investigations Curriculum Games & Activities Math Talk Speed Drills Basic Facts Word Problems IA Relfex & Dreambox (so fun!) Rigor, Relevance and Relationships

$ MONEY $ Send all money in an envelope or plastic bag marked with: Your child’s first and last name Teacher’s name (Mrs. Drude) Classroom number (Room 21)

Field Trips We are currently scheduling our exciting field trip to the Kennedy Center.! More information will be coming…soon!

Contact Info: Mrs. Andrea Drude

Thank You!