FIRST STEP - CREATE YOUR GARDEN BUDGET Create a garden budget and organize it into: -Initial garden purchases – supplies needed to run a garden -Ongoing garden purchases – annual supplies needed -And garden upgrades Consider these categories when you make purchases or find someone who wants to help/donate to garden When money is hard to find, ask for donation of supplies
CREATE SUPPORTING GARDEN DOCUMENTS TO ADVOCATE FOR DONATIONS Endorsement letter from principal One-page garden description List of garden supporters & needs Garden diagram Personal appeal from kids Money is easier to give if they believe in your effort and know how the donation will be used. Being organized and a good communicator will pay off in volunteers and donations
RAISING MONEY FOR THE GARDEN The finances at each school vary – your financial pie will look different From parent organization School fundraisers Donations Sponsorships Win grants Think of school finances as a 5-legged stool. Nurture each aspect to have enough money to run your garden. Some aspects of fundraising will be easier for you. Give the ones you are not good at to someone else to manage.
ASK YOUR SCHOOL PTA OR FOUNDATION TO FUND YOUR PROGRAM PTAs have lots of competition for how they spend their limited funds – provide studies to show their money is well spent gardens Advocate for use of the garden across the campus to reach all students – PTAs typically want to reach the entire student body to justify an expense School gardens are said to benefit: 1.Academics (increase test score with hands-on learning) 2.Improve food choices with increased fruit & vegetable consumption 3.Obesity prevention 4.Food justice 5.Improve social & emotional behaviors with positive social interactions 6.Higher morale of teachers & students
SCHOOL GARDEN GRANT CALENDAR ON THE MASTER GARDENER WEBSITE GARDEN GRANTS SCHOOL GARDEN GRANT CALENDAR ON THE MASTER GARDENER WEBSITE Best grants open in the fall and close in the winter Find a parent willing to assist the garden by applying for grants Grant money won this year is typically awarded next year – plan ahead Many grants are needs-based. Know your Free & Reduced Lunch %
SCHOOL FUNDRAISING IDEAS Sell bricks, painted rocks, tiles, kid-made cards, CSA boxes, garden signs Coin-raising ‘Feed the Pig’ Create a Farm Stand and ask for a donation for: harvested produce, home-made pesto, flower bouquets, seed packets, bean soup mixes to sell at parent events Have students pot geraniums or succulents to raise money
ASK A LOCAL BUSINESS OR FAMILY TO SPONSOR OR DONATE TO YOUR GARDEN SPONSORSHIPS ASK A LOCAL BUSINESS OR FAMILY TO SPONSOR OR DONATE TO YOUR GARDEN Be specific about your needs Create a letter with details Reward sponsors with banners or signs of support Ask: Family businesses of students Nurseries, retailers Realtors Restaurants Scout groups Arborist Gnome adoption Common donations include: plants, soil, amendment, seeds, cooking supplies, lockbox, mulch, tree stumps
CREATE A DONATION BOARD Post in the garden or central area a wish list of items the garden needs Parents in the construction industry can donate materials or expertise Use school’s email blast, website or social media to request donations or volunteers
Funding School Garden in Summary Create a budget and supporting garden documents to communicate and advocate for your school garden Attend to all 5 aspects of garden finance PTA Fundraisers Donations Sponsorships Grants Get help from others Finance and fundraising is a great place to enlist other’s assistance