Unit Three: Eating and Drinking Unit Four: Home Improvement Tutor: English at Leisure Unit Three: Eating and Drinking Unit Four: Home Improvement Tutor: CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Tutorial Outline A mini vocabulary quiz on Unit 3 Unit Three in summary and in action A mini vocabulary quiz on Unit 4 Unit Four in summary and in action Assignment CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Grouping Screen G-5-H Preference G-6-H E-5-F Eating Out E-6-F C-5-D Foreign Dish C-6-D A-5-B Chinese Dish A-6-B G-3-H F. Taste G-4-H E-3-F F. Cooking E-4-F C-3-D F. Preparation C-4-D A-3-B Cutlery A-4-B G-1-H Crockery G-2-H E-1-F Utensils E-2-F C-1-D Condiment C-2-D A-1-B Ingredient A-2-B CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
A mini vocabulary quiz (Unit 3) Please give as many examples as possible for the following categories within ten minutes: 1. Ingredients 2. Condiments 3. Kitchen utensils 4. Crockery 5. Cutlery 6. Expressions for preferences 7. Food preparation (verbs) 8. Food cooking (verbs) 9. Food taste (adjectives) 10. Chinese and foreign dishes CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Chinese dishes made easy Patterns for translation: a) Adjectives for flavors + food (as in spicy cabbages, sweet and sour soup) b) Past participle of food preparation verbs + food (as in shredded beef, sliced chicken) c) Past participle of food cooking verbs + food (as in braised pork, steamed fish) d) food + with food (as in spicy chicken dices with peanuts, fried eggplant with meat stuffing) CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Unit Three in Summary (1) Activity Two: Interest in Food Activity Three: An Outing in a Restaurant Activity One: Kitchens Activity Four: A Pot Luck Supper Eating and Drinking Activity Eight: A New Experience Activity Five: Chinese menu Activity Seven: Following an Information Leaflet Activity Six: British Pubs CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Unit Three in Summary (2) Three main topics: 1. Eating out in a restaurant 2. Describing a public place for eating or drinking 3. Describing a dish CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
1. Eating out in a restaurant What to order? (three-course lunch) How to order? (I’d like … / I’ll have …) Ordering from a menu Talking over the dinner table What to talk about (How do you like …? ) How to pay? (bill) What to say? (treat / pleasure / company) Paying the meal CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
System of serving and ordering 2. Describing a place Name of the place Information included: Visitors Popularity Location History Culture Activities Time Food and drink Atmosphere Layout System of serving and ordering Staff Laws and customs Price CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
2. Describing a place History: … was first introduced Popularity: … remain unshaken Activities: They are rely upon for …/ It has always been important for … Visitors: frequent / … used by … Food and drink: many different flavors and varieties / offer a wide choice of / a good range of / a full range of / a wide selection of / … are available 6. Laws and customs: are governed by / are strictly controlled / are (not) permitted / are (not) allowed / operate a … code CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
2. Describing a place 7. Layout: the significant feature / are provided 8. System of serving and ordering: order at / carry to 9. Culture: add insights into 10. Location: is located / in … district / close to / not far from / ideally situated 11. Atmosphere: provide … atmosphere 12. Staff: tender / maid / man 13. Busy time: filled up / almost empty / crowded CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
2. Describing a place (in action) A sample flow-chart work (Wang Fu Jing Snack Street): Location Layout Food service visitors It is located … The significant feature is that ... … offer a wide selection of … frequent ... CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
2. Describing a place (in action) Wang Fu Jing Snack Street is in Wangfujing. There are many food stalls there. They sell many kinds of food. Visitors from other provinces in China and from other countries all come to visit the place. CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
2. Describing a place (in action) Wang Fu Jing Snack Street is located in the southwestern part of Wangfujing, a bustling commercial area in Beijing. The significant feature of this snack street is that all the snack stalls there are built according to the architectural style of old Beijing. The stalls offer a wide selection of local snacks and snacks of other areas in China. The place is frequented by visitors from both home and abroad. CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Learning tips Towards “learning by doing” from a reading/listening text: Complete the tasks Identify the key information Identify the information flow Construct the flow chart of the assigned /chosen topic (information flow and key language points) Identify the key vocabulary and/or structures for presenting the information Practise your presentation CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
3. Describing a dish Peking Roast Duck crispy Chinese onions immerse unique condiments bare hand roast over flames stoked by fruit-tree wood date-red skin slice tender meat roll up taste thin pancake special sauce CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
3. Describing a dish Ingredients? Cooked or prepared? It is made from … Cooked or prepared? verbs It is served with … There is … to go with it. It is eaten ... Presented or served or eaten? Taste like? It tastes … (adjectives) CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
3. Describing a dish Peking roast duck has the reputation of being the most delicious food in Beijing. It is made from ducks immersed in unique condiments and roasted directly over the flames stoked by fruit-tree wood. The best roasted duck should be date-red with crispy skin and tender meat. It is served with thin pancakes, Chinese onions and special sauce. To eat it, you need to slice the meat, then dip the slice in the sauce, put it in the pancake together with some Chinese onions and roll up the pancake. You can eat it with your bare hand. It is extremely tasty. Topic sentence How it is cooked How it is presented How it is eaten How it tastes CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
A mini vocabulary quiz (Unit 4) Please give as many examples as possible for the following categories within ten minutes: 1. Household problems 2. Household repairs 3. Skilled workers for household repair work 4. Tools for household repairs 5. Service promise 6. Furniture 7. Atmosphere a room can create CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Unit Four in Summary (1) Activity Three: Activity Two: Skilled Workers Do It Yourself Activity One: Liu Li and Rachel’s Room Activity Four: Household Repairs Home Improvement Activity Six: Describing rooms Activity Five: Furniture Arrangement CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Unit Four in Summary (2) Three main topics: 1. Arranging the furniture 2. Dealing with household problems 3. Describing a room CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
1. Arranging the furniture 1. Describing the furniture: adjectives: ugly, threadbare ... verbs: fold up, stack ... nouns: storage cubes, trunks ... 2. Arranging the furniture: propositions: against, beside ... making and responding to a suggestion CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
1. Arranging the furniture (in action) 1. Label each piece of furniture ORALLY. 2. Arrange the furniture according the layout below 3. Describe the arrangement to your partner. Your partner should arrange the furniture in their place according to your description. 4. Converse the role. 5. Class presentation. S CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
1. Arranging the furniture (in action) CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
2. Dealing with household problems 1. Describing a household problem: … is leaking There is something wrong with ... 2. Tackling a household problem: structure: have … done / do something verb: install, fix, replace … tools: pliers, screwdriver ... 3. Calling for domestic repair service CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
2. Dealing with household problems (in action) Watch a video clip and complete the following tasks: (Pair work) Make a list of things that need improvement and give reasons. (Pair work) Make a list of suggestions to deal with the problems. Class presentation. CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
3. Describing a room General introduction Detailed information room type / size view / basic furniture layout general impression General introduction decorative items favorite possession lighting Detailed information atmosphere feeling Concluding comment CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
A checklist of objectives Have we accomplished the following objectives? q to review key vocabulary items of the two units. to discuss the information flow and the key language points in six given situations. to demonstrate ways of applying “learning by doing” with reading texts. q to practise the language in given situations. CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Assignment 1. Tutor-marked assignment (choose one): 1) My favorite dish (150 –200 words) 2) My favorite room (150-200 words) 3) Due date: December 23 2. Progress report cards for English at Leisure Unit 5 & 6 Due date: December 23 Questions 3. If you plan to attend the next tutorial, you need to complete all the tasks of Unit Five and Six in English at Leisure. CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline
Thank you! Questions are welcome! CAOWEN BeiwaiOnline