Northern and Western Europe World Geography Today 3/31/2017 CHAPTER 14 Northern and Western Europe Section 1: The British Isles Section 2: France Section 3: The Benelux Countries Section 4: Scandinavia Chapter 14
Objectives: Section 1 The British Isles How has history affected the culture of the British Isles? Why are the cultures of Ireland and the United Kingdom similar? How has the British economy changed over the last 200 years? What issue has caused tension in Northern Ireland?
A. Effects of history on the culture I. The British Isles A. Effects of history on the culture 1. 5,000 years ago, earliest settlers, Stonehenge. 2. Later, Celts—the ancestors of Scots, Welsh, and Irish—occupied England. 3. Romans arrived and built towns. 4. Angles and Saxons came, drove Celts to highland Britain. 5. Vikings raided and built coastal settlements. 6. Norman conquest of 1066 brought French influence.
B. Similarities of Ireland and the United Kingdom: I. The British Isles B. Similarities of Ireland and the United Kingdom: 1.Social life centers on local eateries. 2. Same Sports: soccer, rugby, and cricket 3. English is main language.
C. Changes in the British economy: I. The British Isles C. Changes in the British economy: 1. Britain industrialized in early 1800s. 2. It dominated global trade through much of the 1800s. 3. By 1900 Britain had lost its dominance; mines and industries declined. 4. Britain nationalized many industries after World War II; then privatized again. 5. Today the economy is strong: high tech industries, oil and gas, services, tourism.
D. Tensions in Northern Ireland: I. The British Isles D. Tensions in Northern Ireland: 1. Division between Protestants and Catholics has brought violence. 2. Britain has tried to keep peace. 3. 1998 agreement set up shared government, but future is unclear.
Objectives: Section 2 France What is French culture like? What are some of the main industries in France? What challenges does France face today?
Features of French culture: Section 2 France Features of French culture: strong identity united by language and religion mainly Roman Catholic concern about American influence strong desire to preserve customs
Major industries: Section 2 France fashion design perfume and cosmetics jewelry, glassware, furniture tourism high-tech—aviation, communications, space technology
Challenges: Section 2 France privatization—converting state-owned businesses brings unemployment immigration—integrating migrants from North Africa, Asia, West Africa colonial empire—maintaining ties without unrest or violence
Objectives: Section 3 The Benelux Countries What historical ties do the Benelux countries share? What are the cities and economies of the Benelux countries like?
Historical ties: Section 3 The Benelux Countries once part of the Netherlands invaded by foreign powers political and economic union after World War II
Cities and economy of Belgium Section 3 The Benelux Countries Cities and economy of Belgium Brussels—cosmopolitan capital; headquarters of EU, NATO Antwerp—second city of Belgium; key port industry, agriculture, services for international business
Cities and economy of the Netherlands: Section 3 The Benelux Countries Cities and economy of the Netherlands: diversified economy—agriculture (dairy, flowers), exports, natural gas urbanized area (Randstad) includes major cities—Amsterdam (capital), Rotterdam (key port), The Hague (Parliament, International Court of Justice)
Economy of Luxembourg: Section 3 The Benelux Countries Economy of Luxembourg: highest per capita GDP in world—$36,400 traditional steel producer; international banking now more important
Objectives: II. Scandinavia How are the cultures of Scandinavia similar to and different from each other? What does the economy of this region rely on? In what areas do most people in Scandinavia live?
A. Scandinavian cultures: Section 4 Scandinavia A. Scandinavian cultures: Similarities religion—mainly Protestant Lutheran most languages related democratic governments Differences Finnish language not related to others Lapps a distinct culture
Economic foundations: Section 4 Scandinavia Economic foundations: high-tech industries and export-oriented economies commercial agriculture in Denmark forest products in Sweden fishing in Iceland and Norway offshore oil and gas in Norway
Settlement patterns: Section 4 Scandinavia Most people live in southern parts of countries, where climate is warmer. 85 percent of Swedes live in cities. One-fourth of Danes and Norwegians live in or around capital cities. Most Finns live near Helsinki. People in Greenland and Iceland live near coast.