Learning and Teaching 2016 Connecting Learning & Research


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Presentation transcript:

Learning and Teaching 2016 Connecting Learning & Research Professor Martin Boddy Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research & Enterprise Thank you for joining this session today. June 2016

Connecting Learning & Research “…an integrated approach to research and teaching, by enriching our curriculum …” UWE Bristol Strategy 2020, Outstanding Learning Priority ‘Learning & Research 2020’ – a project to connect learning & research Learning 2020 Strategic Programme “…. integrate research learning and teaching in order to attract students, enrich the student experience, support student retention and enhance graduate employability.” UWE Research Strategy 2020 Currently part way through our S2020 mid-point review. Received a good amount of feedback from various groups across the University and we have had some conversations with external stakeholders. Thank you to those of you who fed back after the senior managers session – this has all been really helpful to us as we consider the best ways to ensure we realise the ambitions set out in S2020 in what is a challenging environment. Some of the things that have really stood out for me have been: The number of comments that refer to the culture of the organisation in a way that suggests this is holding us back – for example, the gap that still exists between how we do things and the culture that we are striving for. I know there are some big things coming that will improve the ways we work, for example through L2020 in terms of lecture capture, learner analytics, a new student information system and much more, but given this is identified as such a big issue for staff there is a question on how well we are articulating this and whether we are leaving any major gaps. Of course these systems alone will not achieve the culture change we are striving for, but they will support us as we make sure the information is available to increase the speed of our interventions with students, increase the learning resources available and possibly how we think about how we give lectures and how the working environment feels in terms of the barriers we perceive to achieving what we need to in our roles – for example the barriers created by our current SIS. There is still a concern that we make things too complicated and I worry when I hear the perception that we are not enabling change at a local level where it often has the most impact. I’ve heard from many that the pace of change is too slow – and indeed talking to other institutional leaders about things like learning analytics and using peer observation in teaching, we are in danger of falling behind. And when we look at the TEF and what is coming, I know this is sharpening our focus. There is also still some confusion on how all of what we are doing hangs together in terms of the strategic programmes and that we are all working towards S2020 through everything we do – not just the projects in the strategic programmes. Making continuous improvements and delivering excellence at a local level is just as much part of the implementation of S2020, but we may have taken the focus off of this in terms of how we have framed things.

Scottish QAA initiative Research-Teaching Linkages: enhancing graduate attributes ‘Enhancement Themes project’ Overview (Alan Jenkins, 2009) Sector-wide project Nine disciplinary projects http://www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/enhancement- themes/completed-enhancement-themes/research-teaching-linkages

What does it involve …… Research contributing to curriculum development, design and delivery across all levels Research visible to students (and potential students) Opportunities for students to themselves engage in research and/or inquiry-based learning through project and practice- based modules, placements, summer internships etc

Why …. More attractive programmes, market differentiation Enrich the student experience Enhance graduate attributes: ‘the ability to acquire, collect, question, collate, present and make judgements on information and ideas’ Information literacy, evidence-based enquiry, critical thinking Enhanced employability (Ready and able ….) (Quality of the staff experience) (42% of Alliance students ranked being taught by research active staff as their top or second priority – HEPI, 2015)

Different approaches ….. Potential and approach varies across subjects, professions – Scottish QAA project looked at a range of subject areas, professional requirements, policy and practice – life sciences and engineering to creative and cultural practice For staff, research is broadly defined – broader than REF: Internationally excellent & world leading research with impact Practice and consultancy-based research Research of local significance or with local partners Personal scholarship, subject awareness and currency informing learning and teaching For students: a variety of research, research methods, practice, enquiry, creative-practice based modules, projects, placements

Building on a broad base … Over 500 academic staff with outputs in research repository 52% of all academic staff have a PhD – 75% in GEM, 92% BBAS Over 500 staff have submitted a ‘REF-CV’ Over 450 have been a PI on a project registered on the on-line PASS system just in last 2 years As well as 324 submitted to REF 2014 …. …. And scholarship time for all staff Supported by: externally-funded projects + QR + internally – funded research + Scholarship time +Professional Development and Innovation activities - well over £30 - £50m of investment a year

Professorial engagement with teaching

How do we do it … UWE Research Strategy 2020 Enable and encourage the contribution of all research-active academic staff, including research leaders, to curriculum development and delivery across undergraduate, postgraduate and professional programmes Encourage and support the contribution of staff on research contracts and post-graduate researchers to contribute to teaching and learning including through provision of appropriate training and development Enable and encourage all academic staff to use research and scholarship to maintain the currency of subject-based knowledge and professional experience and to embed this in their delivery of teaching and learning

and ….. Expand and enhance opportunities for students undergraduate as well as postgraduate, to engage with and contribute to research and research-based teaching and learning across all programmes Ensure that academic staff have the appropriate training, development, expertise and experience to support student- based engagement with research practice and to integrate research and current subject knowledge with the practice of teaching and learning Enhance the visibility of research to the student body, UWE staff and visitors to the University real and virtual including social media, emphasising that research is firmly embedded in the culture of the University.

What next? Early days Explore where we are now Identify and learn from good practice – UWE and external – lots of examples already Curriculum development Student opportunities Development of graduate attributes Staff development – from both ends of the spectrum (Performance 2020) Policy? – FBL close to adopting … responsibilities of Programme Teams, Research Centres and Groups, researchers, Faculty – but putting it into practice

Over to you …. Your Big Ideas!