SSQ Financial Group: Our Tricks Revealed
SSQ Financial Group– Magic tricks Magic is made up of tricks and illusions, and it is said that a good Magician never reveals his tricks. Here is our 19 Magic Tricks!
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 1 SSQ Financial Group is the 6th largest life company in Canada Tier one rates with reinsurers Tier one treatment with reinsurers AM Best Rating of A- Excellent 3 3 3
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 2 SSQ Financial Group ownership is a unique blend of Corporate, Mutual and Employee ownership Long term 10 - 15% return expectation Service is our DNA Employees are engaged 4 4 4
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 3 SSQ New Business/Underwriting turnaround is exceptional! 2 day SLA for decision or new requirement ordering 1 day actual for decision or new requirement ordering Policies printed and mailed 4 times per day! 5 5 5
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 4 SSQ Term Plus is very competitively priced Usually top 6 in terms of LifeGuide/Compulife Reviewed regularly 6 6 6
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 5 SSQ Term Plus is very flexible Up to 5 lives on a multi-life policy Up to 6 coverages per life including level and decreasing coverage on same life Many term coverages including Term to 70 (10,15,20,25,30,35) 7 7 7
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 6 SSQ Term Plus has a number of unique features EDB Rider (no cost) Disability Rider for loans $20,000 CI Rider (issued on standard life if applied for) 5 year renewal 8 8 8
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 7 SSQ Indexed 10 Year Term Doubles coverage over 5 years Based on original age (current rates) - Based on rate band achieved - Same rates as regular Term 10 9 9 9
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 8 SSQ Term to 100 We still have one We intend to keep it Very competitive rates 10 10 10
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 9 SSQ Non Par Whole Life - Life Pay We still have it, and intend to keep it Competitive premiums Very strong cash values Reduced paid up option Buy whole life and invest the difference! 11 11 11
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 10 SSQ Non Par Whole Life - 20 Pay We still have it, and intend to keep it Competitive premiums Very strong cash values Reduced paid up option (works as a 10 pay) 12 12 12
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 11 SSQ Critical Illness among best in industry Stand alone and rider Competitive premiums Term and Permanent Return of Premium options 13 13 13
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 12 SSQ’s new UL to round out product offering Very competitive YRT & Level COI Simple guaranteed product & bonus Competitive MERs on good selection of funds - No surrender fees on Level COI 14 14 14
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 13 SSQ makes conversions easy Existing/new term products convertible to any permanent product including UL UL COI can be changed from YRT to level Term 10 can be converted to Term 20 or Term 70 15 15 15
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 14 Best in Class Seg Fund Platform Over 50 Funds Over 20 Non Proprietary Investment Managers (PIMCO, Lazard, Fiera) Unique asset classes (Commodities, Infrastructure & Real Estate) 100/100 contract to age 85, best in Industry! 16 16 16
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 15 Seg Funds with option to distribute income outside of the fund Only Seg Funds in Canada that offer this option (2.5/3.0 cents/unit/month) Two great CI & Guardian Balanced Funds Perfect for clients interested in income or leveraging 17 17 17
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 16 Best in Industry High Net Worth Offering Reduced MER beyond Advisor comp reduction (1 to 1.25%) All funds available (Institutional Money Managers) Full HNW statements and support 18 18 18
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 17 Wholesaling and inside sales team across Canada Relationship focused Experienced and able to help you at case level or overall business development Responsive to your service and sales needs 19 19 19
SSQ Financial Group – Magic Trick 18 The Grand Finale! Competitive FYC Life comp & lifetime renewals while premium paid (UL switches to asset based after 10th year) B Mode comp for Seg’s (No Load with 3% FYC, 1% trail starting in 25th month 20 20 20