What can we learn from The Bayeux Tapestry? Learning Objectives: To identify key scenes in the Bayeux tapestry To infer from the tapestry To consider whether the tapestry is reliable
William has won the Battle of Hastings and he wants to commemorate his victory. He has decided that a large tapestry should be made to show the events of his invasion and victory The good news is that he has chosen you to be one of his project team
Starter activity In your groups you have 5 minutes only to come up with ideas for William the Conqueror’s tapestry Think about: Which parts of the story you think he will want to include and why? Which parts will he want to leave out and why? How will you portray the Normans and the Saxons When will be the starting and finishing point of the tapestry Be ready to feed back your ideas to the rest of the class
The Bayeux Tapestry LO: To identify key scenes in the Bayeux 4 minute animation of Bayeux tapestry! Challenge ... How many scenes, actions and events can your team identify?
Infer from a source Squeeze me! I’m a sponge!
QUESTIONS: what the source makes me want to find out INFERENCE: what I can work out if I squeeze the source INFORMATION: what the source shows me A scene from the Bayeux Tapestry
Further tasks Look at the extracts on p.6 and 7 of the old textbook What is going on in each scene? Match the caption to the right scene Written task What can you learn about the Norman invasion / battle from this source? (remember to make an inference ... It suggests that / I can infer that ...) Do you think the tapestry is a reliable source of evidence. Explain your answer
Homework http://www.bayeuxtapestry.org.uk/ Go to the activities section and then create your own Bayeux Tapestry. Design your own scene and print off and stick in your book http://www.bayeuxtapestry.org.uk/