Using Data to Improve Outcomes 15 to 20 min Wednesday 2.00pm Making Data Useful Using Data to Improve Outcomes 15 to 20 min Wednesday 2.00pm
These are used to make meaning of large amounts of data Mode Standard deviation etc For BBC we use % of standards passed (8/10 = 80%) Quality of passes (GPA: 100 = all Excellence, 50 = all Achieved) Diploma pass rates (6/10 diplomas at achieved, merit or excellence = 60%)
Using the Summary Statistics Comparative Year vs year Years vs real time Subject vs subject Real time Using running calculations Using practice grade columns Predictive Using real time to predict totals Using predicted totals to predict diplomas
Junior Diploma Tracking Previous year Predictive Real Time Comparative Comparative Predictive
NCEA Tracking Predictive Previous year Real Time Comparative
Enquiry Teaching Actual Comparisons Teachers complete a: Successes, challenges and where to next for each assessment Alter topic based on this for next year Alter next topic based on this
Possible Vocational Pathways
BOT Reporting Value - target As a Principal I report to the board each term on every year level broken down by gender and ethnicity tracking their progress to date Board Report hyperlink
Academic Coaching The College now has 3 parent teacher student (PST) days Week 4 term 1 – Goal setting - Whanau teacher Quality, Quantity, Diploma, Attendance, Stripes Previous years report and result analysis, previous years targets Week 4 term 2 – Subject teachers PST day Subject reports and analysis report Week 4 term 3 – tracking to date what to do to finish off the year Subject reports and analysis reports
Students at Risk - Tracking Name: Fred Smith Year: 10 Last Year Target Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Quantity: % / Cr 90/190 95/196 97.8/30 93.7/104 Quality 78 84 67 73.5 Diploma 100+ Merit Excellence Attendance 98 98 95 94 Actions Fred’s parents split in term 1. Fred is being mentored by a dp. Parents are now constructively back in the picture. Fred’s dad is influential. Fred wants to be a vet. Student Predicted grades have been set to track the rest of the year Deans and DPs report to the Principal each term on students who are below targets and track them throughout the year
Hyperlinks Bream Bay College Report - Student Report help Junior Diploma analysis report - Junior Diploma Analysis Report help NCEA Analysis Report - NCEA Credit Analysis Report help Student Predicted grades - Student Predicted Grades result entry help Board of Trustees Reports - Board Report hyperlink Assessment Result Analysis Report - Result Analysis Report