Chapter 5 Crisis in the Colonies
Lesson 1 Life in the colonies
I. Colonial Society Colonists had more social equality than people in England. In England, your opportunities were based on birth B. In colonies, your birth and wealth still determined your social status 1. Gentry- top of society a. Wealthy planters, Merchants, Ministers, Lawyers, Royal officials b. could afford to dress in the latest fashions from England 2. Middle Class- middle of society. a. Farmers, skilled crafts workers, and trades people b. Made up 75% of the population
4. Slaves –worked as field slaves, house slaves and dock slaves 3. Lowest classes a. Indentured Servants- signed contracts to work without wages for 7 years. b. Farmhands c. Servants 4. Slaves –worked as field slaves, house slaves and dock slaves 5. Women a. Wives took care of households, husbands, children, and family b. In backcountry wives worked alongside the men in the fields c. City women worked outside the house as cooks, maids, nurses or seamstresses
II. Great Awakening A. Religious Movement of the 1730s and 1740s B. John Edwards started the Awakening in the colonies 1. Edwards preached of the sweetness and beauty of God. 2. George Whitefield preached for sinners to repent. C. Caused new churches to spring up after people left old churches D. Forced the colonists to be more tolerant of different beliefs E. Believers felt free to challenge the crown when liberties were at stake F. Thought differently about their political rights and government.
III. Education in the Colonies A. Massachusetts was the first to set up public schools. 1. Public School- schools supported by taxes. 2. Rich and poor children allowed to receive an education 3. 50 or more families hire a schoolteacher. 100 or more build grammar school to prep for college B. Middle and Southern colonies had private schools. 1. Wealthy families could afford to send their kids 2. In the South, wealthy planters hired tutors, private teachers to educate their kids C. Apprentices- worked for a master to learn a trade or craft. D. Dame Schools- Private schools run by women in their homes for girls.
IV. Spread of Ideas A. Enlightenment- the spread of ideas about human reasoning and the scientific method. 1. John Locke, a philosopher from England, wrote many things that were popular in the colonies. 2. The better educated in the colonies began to pick up on these ideas from having the time and reading books from Europe. B. News papers started popping up in all colonies. 1. Boston News-Letter 1704 -1st weekly newspaper in the colonies 2. With the news, the ideas about freedom of press spread. a. John Peter Zenger of the Weekly Journal ,NYC, put on trial for libel. b. Libel-act of publishing a statement that my unjustly damage a person’s reputation.