Virtual networks for PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR VOCATIONAL TEACHERS and trainers IN Serbia Julian STANLEY, European TRAINING FOUNDATION 30th November 2016, belgrade
Why Virtual networking? Open educational resources making collaboration a ‘no brainer’ Putting the ‘Professional’ back in professional development Blending training events with virtual platforms Digital video Local ‘heroes’
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTs in serbia 2016 with education trust Professional development for 60 vocational teachers to support the development and application of digital and on-line teaching and learning resources Sharing of resources Networking of teachers involved in project 2017 with centre for educational policy Development of tools and training to support piloting of e-portfolio for vocational teachers and trainers
Key issues to be considered in selecting a pilot: Which and how many vocational teachers will be recruited to participate in the network? Which on-line and face-to-face interactions will teachers participate in and how will these improve teaching and learning in vocational schools? How can the network continue to develop over the next 2 to 3 years? Exactly what resources or support are needed to achieve the above results?
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