Southern and Emerging Economies Advisory Group (SEAG) International Conference: European Agricultural Research towards greater impact on Global Challenges - Brussels, 5th June, 2013 The SEAG: a Southern voice on ARD partnerships with Europe Jamil Macedo IICA/Procitropicos Member of SEAG
The Southern and Emerging Economies Advisory Group – SEAG, was created by ERA-ARD to: provide strategic entry point and foster greater involvement of southern partners to northern ARD offer feedback on proposals and reports prepared by ERA-ARD challenge established northern ERA-ARD thinking
SEAG represent the Sub-Regional Fora: EFARD Europe CAACARI C Asia y Caucasus NAFARD (PROCINORTE) EUA-Canada AARINENA N Africa y W Asia APAARI Asia y Pacific FORAGRO Americas FARA Africa GFAR CGIAR GCARD
What has SEAG done?
SEAG contributions (1/2) SEAG members shared experience from southern and emerging economies Commented on and gave feedback on key ERA-ARD documents Provided information and advice about research needed in southern and emerging economies, fostering a demand driven approach
SEAG contributions (2/2) Participated in ERA-ARD work packages and task forces personally or invited southern experts as required Facilitated synergies and the institutionalization of processes (SEAG regional consultations) Provided transparent and updated consultation to ERA-ARD
SEAG deliverables (1/2) Paper on Regional Evidence Generation and Policy and Institutional Mapping on Food and Bio fuel (Africa, Asia & Latin America) Presentation of the position paper at ERA- ARD International Conference “Dialogue between Europe and its Southern partners on agricultural research and climate change”, Brussels, 2011
SEAG deliverables (2/2) Leaflets with description of the Agriculture Research System in Africa, Asia and LAC Regional ARD-Alliance Workshop on Water Management towards Food Security, in Burkina Faso, March 2013, in cooperation with FARA “Negotiation” for a FORAGRO support to a Workshop on the Latin American ARD, in Brazil, second semester of 2013
SEAG strengths Involvement of all continents, regions, and international Fora in a same group interest in ARD Skilled and experienced members Good visibility of an European / Southern Economies advocacy group for matters dealing with poverty eradication, food security and environmental sustainability
SEAG weaknesses Non direct access to all stakeholders Non availability of the SEAG members for implementation of the work packages / task forces Only few meetings and contacts happened Allocation of little amount of funds for co- operative projects involving southern partners
ARD Innovation Divide Source: Center for International Development, 2011
Two way N-S, S-N and S-S Collaboration Equador Trop. Capricorn 30o S Trop. Cancer 30o N Input S,T&I Output S,T&I Source: Embrapa
What could SEAG do in the future? In this context, What could SEAG do in the future?
If opportunity happens SEAG will definitely perform better if it is ensured that it will not only be “heard” but “listened to” as well It is necessary to explore the possibility to renew funding from EU Member States It is also necessary to explore the will and conditions for the participation and funding from the emerging countries In an interconnected world no one can achieve this challenge in isolation:
Although ERA-ARD II Project will come to end this year, there is a need for continuation of SEAG (or similar group) in order to provide inputs and advices to European Commission and various ARD organizations such as EIARD and SCAR, and develop strategic international partnerships on a more permanent basis.
Thank You!