Registrar’s Workshop 2015-2016 Seasonal Year
Registrar Workshop SCYS Staff Contacts Coaching Education Demosphere Website Forms New Rules Fees Rules
SCYS Contacts Rachel Bolick, Executive Director – Greg Vallee, Technical Director – Nancy Shultz, State Registrar - Dennis R Cook, Leagues & Cups– Brandon Nichols, Leagues & Cups– Bonnie Epperson, Office –
Coaching Education SCYS Recreation Soccer Coaching Requirements U5 – U8 – US Soccer National “F” License U6 – u12 – US Youth Soccer Youth Module U13 – U19 – US Soccer National “E” License Required US Soccer National “D” License suggested SCYS Jr. Academy Coaching Requirements U8 – U12 – US Soccer National “E” License “F” License is pre-requisite for take the “E” license– no exceptions SCYS Classic & Challenge Coaching Requirements U13 – u19 – US Soccer National “D” License “E” License is pre-requisite to take the “D” license – no exceptions Two levels of D License D Certification D License Both allow coach to participate in state wide leagues
Coaching Education Waivers/Equivalencies NSCAA – National Soccer Coaches Association of America Currently SCYS recognizes the NSCAA Diplomas as equivalent to US Soccer Coaching Education License Any coach currently registered with SCYS with an NSCAA Diploma will not be affected and can continue to coach within our state Any new coach that is not currently registered with SCYS and holds an NSCAA Level 1- 6 or NSCAA National Diploma is required to take the F, E and or D or to be eligible to coach within SCYS. Any new coach coming into SCYS with a NSCAA Advanced National, Premier Diploma, Master Coach Diploma or UEFA C, B , A or UEFA Pro will be cleared to coach within SCYS
Coaching Education All new registered coaches with SCYS will need to progress through the US Soccer Coaching Education pathway from bottom to top (Starting with the F license) regardless of playing and or coaching experience Effective May 2015 F license will be the prerequisite to take the E course E course is the prerequisite to take the D course D license is required to progress to take the C course Summer Course Schedule Posted on SCYS Website Questions – contact SCYS Technical Director
Demosphere Club Online Registration(OLR) – current OLR for clubs Clubs to be on the new OLR– Roster Pro by April 2016. Roster Pro (state program – not online for parent registration) Log in & password Make sure you are listed as a user if your club has changed registrar. It is important to make sure you keep your approved users up to date (usually the president and registrar).
General Information on Website SCYS Board of Directors Forms You are responsible for completing all forms as stated in the SCYS Rules (Ex. Permission to Travel, SCYSA Medical Release forms, etc.) Calendar: You’re responsible for all registration dates You’re responsible to make sure teams are aware of cup/league dates & deadlines.
Registrar’s Certification Form Download form Click on Registrar’s Certification Clinic Registration Form. Send completed form to or fax to 843-928-3677 Complete form before you leave the workshop
Affiliation Form Due June 1, 2015 Make sure the form is complete: Organization name & address 501 Status Registrar’s signature on cover Signature of club president on page 2 Make sure all board members are entered into Demosphere and attach a print out of the board members to the affiliation form Download form at: then click on Affiliated Organization Registration Form Scan, fax or mail to the SCYS State Office. Fax: 803-749-4352
Club Bylaws Due June 1, 2015 If you have changed your bylaws a new copy must be submitted with your affiliation form. If you have a name change, this must be reflected in your bylaws and with an approved form (1099) saying you are “doing business as” (DBA) with your new name. Name changes are done annually as once cards are printed for fall no name change will be recognized until fall of the next seasonal year.
Volunteer Disclosure Forms Disclosure forms should be completed on-line through Demosphere All volunteers/coaches/board members must complete the form Create a team for your non coach/manager volunteers and make them all team administrators. You do not need to add these volunteers to specific teams, only coaches, assistants and managers need to be on their appropriate teams. Hard copy forms are available on-line at then under Risk Management, Employment/Volunteer Disclosure Statement If a coach is having issues with his/her check, they should first contact you. If you cannot assist with the online background check, then collect a completed hard copy form and submit.
Volunteer Disclosure Form (cont) To send Risk Management E-mail to volunteers Go to team staff administration (not from their registration page) Team staff pool Select letter of the last name of volunteer and press enter Click on Risk Management E-mail A check box will open – click the boxes of all volunteers that need a background check completed Go to bottom of page and click “Send RM Email” The volunteer will receive an e-mail and needs to respond to this and complete the Risk Management form before he/she will be issued a pass or placed on a roster. It is your responsibility to make sure no volunteer/coach is working with the players until his/her background check has been completed. Weekly e-mails will now go out to those volunteers who have been sent for background check but have not yet responded. If they have not responded after 90 days they will be removed from the report and you will have to send them a new RM e-mail. They should not be working with you club if they do not have a complete background check. Hovering over the volunteers name will show their background check status.
Volunteer Disclosure Form (cont)
Concussion Protocol Before coaches receive their coaching pass they will be required to complete the concussion protocol form. All coaches, assistant coaches, club coaches, managers, and DOC’s must complete. This will be done in conjunction with their background check. Please make sure that in addition to verifying their back ground check they also click on the this Concussion Procedure, read and check the box beside “By checking this box I agree to the SC Concussion Procedure Protocol for US Youth Soccer Events You may also wish to have your parents & managers read and sign this form.
2015-2016 Fees Fee Sheet U8 and younger recreation - $4 U9 and older recreation - $10 U8-U12 academy - $20 Classic (challenge/premier) - $30 Roster Rec-C $25; Rec-Acad $15; Acad-C $15 $2/player for clubs not using Demosphere OLR $10 per coach/assistant coach/manager
Fees (cont) President, Registrar & Treasurer will receive an invoice the beginning of each month. First bill will be received in August for your club affiliation ($30), Registrar Workshop ($50), and President Workshop ($100). Fees must be remitted within 15 days of receipt or late fee will be applied 15-30 days: $15 penalty or 5% of total, whichever is the greater Over 30 days: $100 penalty and club placed in bad standing
Fees - Changes Coastal League Team Fee Increase Field Fees u8 – u10: $150 u11 – u12: $175 u13 – u14: $200 Field Fees u8 – u10: $10 u11 – u12: $15 u13 – u14: $25
Fees – Changes Sandlapper Referee Fees u8 – u10: $24 ($12/team) $11 – Center Ref (per team) $7 – AR (per team)
SCYS Bylaws SCYS is in the process of changing our bylaws. E-blast was sent to clubs. Bylaw changes will be voted on at the AGM in August. Highlight of changes: Abolish District Councils Change Voting Rights to reflect Club growth Add Executive Director Eliminate Board Positions of Registrar, Recreation Director, Member at Large, and ODP Administrator. The duties of these positions are now being fulfilled by SCYS Staff. Establish District Representatives in place of Commissioners. Requires representative actually live in the District.
Rules Administrative Manual Manual will be online and can be downloaded at Make sure you read registration rules and cup/league rules.
New Rules & Reminder International Clearance Proof of Entry Prior to 10 Years of Age Submission Form Players that came to the United States before the age of 10. Replaces the U12 form as of March 1, 2015. First Registration Form Players 12-17 years old that are US citizens and have not played for any other soccer federation outside the United States. International Clearance Request Form Players 18 and older or players not eligible for any other type of Interstate Permission Form. Forms are located on the website under Administrative; Forms; Registrar’s Forms.
New Rules & Reminders (cont) Challenge Cup First Round Rule Change: If both teams are available to play on the 1st weekend of First Round the game will be played at higher seeded team’s home field If higher seeded team is not available on the first weekend then they waive their home field advantage If the lower seeded team is not available on the first weekend then they must make themselves available the second weekend to play at higher seed home field If higher seeded team is not available second weekend then they waive their home field advantage If teams cannot come to an agreement then the League Administrator can assign games at a neutral site
New Rules & Reminders (cont) Registrars will now be able to print club passes. You will still need to enter player info, allow time for SCYS to verify, then once verified cards can be printed. If you do not wish to print, request the state print for you. When printing your cards be sure all information fits onto the US Youth Soccer card stock properly. Player passes will now be one sided passes with photo, state signature and stamp affixed. Printing cards as a team, instead of individually, is advised.
New Rules & Reminders (cont) Registrar’s are required to upload player photos and birth certificates for: Junior Academy Classic/Challenge/Premier League Teams Recreation Teams attending Tournaments Pictures must be: jpeg files smaller than 1MB Head shot only (like a passport photo) Birth certificates must be: pdf or jpeg files smaller than 1MB All info, with the exception of the players legal name, date of birth and state/country of birth can be redacted.
New Rules & Reminders (cont) Card-Pictures
New Rules & Reminders (cont) Reminder: Recreation and Jr. Academy Pool Play – No player can play more than 2 games on any one day (i.e. a player can play 2 games with Team A or he/she can play 1 game with Team A and 1 game with Team B in their pool or 2 games with Team B). Two games maximum per day. Reminder: Transfer paperwork is not required for reassignment within your club, only for movement from one club to another club.
New Rules & Reminders (cont) Reminder: Jersey Number Requirement U13-U17 Classic 1 U13-U18 Challenge Premier Teams Must be input into the online computer system before the roster is printed. Make sure that the jersey numbers are correct each year.
Registration New season available April 1 All players & coaches in your club must be registered with SCYS or USSF affiliated organization Players registered with a USSF affiliated organization must have their roster submitted to SCYS Maintain/updated database with changes to: Addresses, e-mail, and phone as needed. Players/coaches/board members must have an e-mail address Merging duplicate players/coaches will be done by the state Make sure activated players have been assigned to a team if they were refunded money or dropped from your club, please let the state know so they can be removed from our database.
Registration (cont) Players must be assigned to a team before putting on a tournament roster They must to be on a team to have a pass printed If there is no primary team information showing on the tournament roster Once a team has been created and a team kind chosen, you can not change the team kind, only the state can do this. If coaches are in yellow check: Background check Licensing Concussion Protocol If players are in yellow correct: Needs international paperwork - ?? show Needs proof of birth verified – “N” not “Y” show Too old for team
Registration (cont) Main Support Library in Demosphere:
Player Administration To check the status of your players: Go to Player Administration Click on Non-Rostered Players. This will show you a list of players that are not assigned to teams. Some may be players that transferred to another club, Any without a number listed need to either be de-activated (must be done by state) or assigned.
Housekeeping You are responsible for inputting each player’s address, phone and e-mail into the system. Players w/o addresses will not be printed until address is complete. Check your coaches’ coaching licenses. If they are not licensed and have used their seasonal year grace, don’t assign them to a team. You can use the game day roster in place of the tournament roster – you do not need to complete both for each team. Remember all your club volunteers need background checks, put them in as team administration Forms being submitted must have all information completed Many of you are skipping the player’s signature on transfers, the club info or team info on forms.
SCYS 2015-2016 Age Matrix Go to Use this to determine in what age group a player is eligible to play
District Numbers Piedmont 01 Midstate 02 Coastal 03 Clubs start at 100 and can go through 199 Team numbers start at 1000 See your club’s numbers at Midstate 02 Clubs start at 200 and can go through 299 Team numbers start at 2000 Coastal 03 Clubs start at 300 and can go through 399 Team numbers start at 3000 See your club’s numbers at
SCYS Levels of Play Recreation (all recreation teams inhouse or league) Junior Academy (teams that used evaluations for placement) Classic (teams that used tryouts for placement) Tournament (non rostered teams attending invitational tournaments) Game Day (you will not create a team in this division – a team will show here if you create a game day roster from the teams’ primary roster)
Team Kind Recreation Academy Classic 2 Classic 1 Challenge Premier Must be recreation league Academy Must be academy league Classic 2 Playing SCYS Open League (formerly second tier of PMSL) Classic 1 Playing upper tier of PMSL Challenge Playing in SCSCL Premier Playing in Premier League Tournament Must be tournament league
Create Teams Go to Roster Administration Create New Team Select Correct League in Drop Down Menu Enter Team # (list can be found on website – make sure you do not duplicate number and that you are using your club’s numbers as they may change each year). Suggestion: Divide numbers so that the first few are for classic, then next few for academy and the final few for recreation as it applies to your club. Enter Team Name – club initials, year, name (i.e. ICFC 96B Red, Cainhoy 02 Girls) Gender Team Kind - Once entered cannot be changed. Age Group – if a pool team make sure you use the oldest players age group Save
Assigning Player/Staff Once team has been created Open team Click add player from club pool This will only open up the pool based on the age group and gender – if you need to assign girls to a boys team you must filter by gender, also if it covers more than one age group you must also filter by that number of years. Click add team staff from pool You may also have to filter this based on their risk management status. It may be best to wait to add coach until his/her risk management is up to date. Once you have added all staff: coaches, assistant coaches, managers, team administrator save the team. Also remember if you are adding club coaches or DOC’s to a team they should be added as either the head coach or assistant coach. Only one head coach per rostered team (pools can have more than one head coach) all others are assistant coaches. If you have a DOC or club coach – remember you create a new team 4000 named DOC/Club Coach, gender boys, age group 19 and assign just the DOC(s) and Club Coach(es) to this team – no players.
Tournament/Guest Rosters Follow same directions as create new team, make sure the team is a tournament league and the team kind be tournament. Use same team number as primary team you’re creating the tournament team for, i.e. if you have a U9-U12 Girls Pool with team number 2000 the tournament team would be 2000T (for Tournament or U10 or 2000N(for U9) 2000E(for U11) and 2000W (for U12) you can use the coaches initials or B for black, R for red your choice). Once you create the team, assign the players and staff just like you did before. Only one head coach per tournament team all other are assistants. Tournament teams allow you to delete players (red X at end of line) and add players as needed for each tournament. Players can be added from any age/gender eligible non-rostered team. You do not have to create a new team each time just change players as needed. Print roster and that is where you will put in the tournament name, date and location. Once you have printed make sure the coach or DOC signs. Once signed, send to the Administrative Assistant and she will sign and send back to you or if the tournament is out of state will send to the state office for return to you once the teams travel paperwork is completed. Please try to use black ink as other colors do not scan or fax well. Please be careful of the quality of the scan (pictures of the document often come too dark to read). Guest rosters must be completed (all signature lines are required to be signed) if a player is going with your team from another club. If a player is from your club is guesting, you can do a game day roster w/ the player included and send to the Administrative Assistant.
Travel Documents Region III Interregional Travel Notice (Notification to Travel) For tournaments inside Region III (AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, NTX, OK, SC, STX, TN). Not needed for Instate Tournaments, Premier League or National League Play.
Travel Documents (cont) Application to Travel (Permission to Travel) For tournaments outside Region III (i.e. Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Maryland). The Jefferson Cup is an example.
Travel Documents (cont) Travel documents must be submitted to SCYS the Sunday prior to tournament. If the form is submitted later an additional $10 fee will be charged and must be paid before the form will be signed. If the form is received after 5pm on the Thursday prior to the tournament there is no guarantee the form will be processed. Tournament rosters/guest rosters will not be returned until the required travel documents are completed.
Club Pass Mark player as club pass player in his/her registration screen. Players cannot play down in level. Players may now play laterally (i.e. U13 PMSL may play on another U13 PMSL team). Players can play for only one team on any given day – but can play for as many games as that team has on that day. Players cannot play up an age but down a level. (i.e. U14 PMSL cannot play U15 Open League) Players can play up an age group as long as it is the same or higher division of play. Maximum of 3 club pass players in any one league game
Club Pass (cont) Club Passes will be allowed per the rules governing State Cup, Regionals and Nationals Club Transfers must be completed prior to Roster Freeze Date. Players must be registered with your club by the freeze date in order to club pass. Roster Freeze Dates can be located on the SCYS Calendar (48 Hours Prior to State Cup) Game Day Roster An official SCYS Game Day roster that lists a maximum of 18 and a minimum of 7 eligible players for a particular competition that is prepared and signed by the club registrar of that team. Game day rosters are required in conjunction with club pass players’ primary team pass.
Cups & Games 2015-2016 Fall Festival November 14-15 Hosted in Columbia Kohl’s American / Palmetto Academy Cup April 30-May 1 Hosted by Sumter Soccer Club President’s Medal Cup Fall (U15-U19): December 5-6 Spring (U13-U14): April 23-24 Hosted by USA- Mount Pleasant Open & Rec Cup Hosted by South Carolina United FC Bob Brantley Challenge Cup Fall (U15-18): December 12-13 Spring (U13-U14): May 7-8 Hosted at CESA
Thanks! Thank you all for your hard work, willingness to adapt to changes, and keeping your clubs informed.