Fractions Having strong fractions skills is critical for success in not only this course, but every math course you will take. It is not enough to be able to "do" fractions using a calculator that has built in fraction computation capabilities. You should be able to do all of the problems on MML 2.2 without a caculator (although one might be handy to do larger multiplication and division problems).
In addition to the videos embedded in your e-text, the following sites have some great instructional videos. - This site has a huge collection of instructional/example videos covering a wide array of mathematics topics. The two libraries that will probably be of most help are the Arithmetic/Prealgebra Video Library and Algebra 1 Video Library. (A sample of these videos are presented in the following slides.) - Many students also find Khan Academy videos to be helpful. If you already have great fraction computation skills, you can skip the rest of this slide show and move on. The following slides will give you additional resources for reviewing fractions. Videos for computing with positive fractions only are embedded, with links to computing with mixed numbers given below each video.
Adding Proper Fractions The important idea to remember when adding or subtracting fractions is that you need common denominators. Adding Proper Fractions:
Adding Mixed Numbers Adding Mixed Numbers:
Subtracting Mixed Numbers
Multiplying Proper Fractions
Dividing Proper Fractions
Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers