Let’s make optical illusions!
What is an Optical illusion? something that looks different from what it is : something that you seem to see but that is not really there
Types optical illusions Blivet Bezold effect Ebbinghaus illusion Hermann Grid Illusion Necker cube
Blivet – an undecipherable figure
Bezold effect – a color seems different due to its adjacent colors
Ebbinghaus illusion - an illusion related to relative size perception
Hermann Grid Illusion – ghost-like grey blobs appear in the middle of the black squares on a white background
Necker cube – an impossible cube with edges that are apparently solid beams
Individual Art Skills you’ve acquired in this class thus far: Color Theory Linear Perspective Scaling/Proportion and gridding Physical 3D modeling with assorted materials PUT THESE TO USE WHEN PLANNING AND CREATING!
Individual assignment: Pick one of the aforementioned types of optical illusions Research those optical illusions in 2D Attempt to recreate it: SIZE: 8”x11” white paper MEDIA: sharpie, pencil, and/or colored pencil. Ruler and compass if applicable. TIME: 2 class days beginning now.
Group assignment (groups of 2) Pick one of the aforementioned types of optical illusions Research those optical illusions in 3D Attempt to recreate it: SIZE: no smaller than 10”x10”x10”. No larger than 12”x12”x12” MEDIA: cardboard, poster board, foam core, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, straws, coffee stirrer sticks, paint. other materials, check with me first. TIME: 5 class days beginning now.
Links to get you started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3atFonEY8E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC3CyWu5ISQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfVx6EJGWgo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9gO6MaQNbY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnVv3hO8vE4