Using RefWorks Exporting References from CiteSeerX Eastern Washington University Libraries
Part 1: Export your references CiteSeerX
When you find a reference you want to export, click on “Add to MetaCart”
After selection all your references, click on the “MetaCart” link in the upper right-hand corner
Click on the “BibTeX” download link
Select “Save File” option
1. Use the default name or rename the file with a one-word name Note the name of the file and where it was saved to so you can find it again Click the “Save” button
Part 2: Import your references into RefWorks
On the menu bar, select References > Import
On the menu bar, select References > Import
Import Filter/Data Source: choose “BibTeX” from the dropdown menu Database: choose “Bibdesk (Bib Tex format)” Browse for the file
1. Select the file 2. Click “Open” after choosing the file
Select the “Import Into Folder” Click the “Import” button
Need Help? Contact: Doris Munson Systems/Reference Librarian EWU Libraries (509) 359-6395