Labials Linguolabials “voiced, lateralized apical-alveolar/sublaminal-labial double flap with egressive lung air” (Everett 1982)
Dentalveolar Lower articulator Upper articulator Apical Laminal Sub-laminal Upper articulator Dental Alveolar Postalveolar dental alveolar postalveolar
Dentalveolar Lower articulator Upper articulator Apical Laminal Sub-laminal Upper articulator Dental Alveolar Postalveolar dental alveolar postalveolar
Dentalveolar Lower articulator Upper articulator Apical Laminal Sub-laminal Upper articulator Dental Alveolar Postalveolar dental alveolar postalveolar
Palatographs Dental (laminal) Alveolar (retracted) Retroflex (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996)
Retroflex “sublamino-prepalatal” Characteristic of many languages of India
Retroflex (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996)
Palatal “dorso-palatal” Hungarian example
Velar “dorso-velar” Tagalog (has word initial velar nasals) “now” “betel nut mixture” “smile” “to write”