Welcome to the European Shoemaker e-learning platform introduction
This is how the main log in page of the platform looks like after you have clicked the link from the official European Shoemaker website.
From here you can choose your preferred language.
And here you add your username and your password in order to login.
Then, by clicking the Login button you enter within the platform’s course which corresponds to your language.
This is the course’s main home page.
This is the general navigation bar where you can view your progress and your social network as well as your profile with your emails and certifications together with the logout button.
This is the tool bar where you can find the description of your course, your personal agenda calendar and other tools required to enhance your training experience in a variety of ways.
These icons under the image are the most useful tools required to facilitate your training experience.
The first icon “Course description”, is to provide you with an idea of what the course’s scope and learning outcome is.
The second icon “Repository”, is where a lot of the course’s documents will be uploaded by your teacher(s). These documents are essential and you as a user can download from here any document that your teacher might instruct you.
Click on the icon to try your first training unit! The third icon “Training Units”, is where the heart of the European Shoemaker training resides! Inside it you can find all the units that will teach you, with the help of (presentations, assessments, exercises and quizzes), everything that you need to know.
The fourth icon “Links”, is where content from external web sites might be uploaded by your instructor(s) for purposes of training enrichment and more.
The fifth icon “Forums”, is where your instructor(s) create forum threats for all the course’s users to discuss for example questions that the users might have or anything else relevant to the course.
(PLEASE USE IT WITH CAUTION) The sixth icon “Dropbox”, is where you as a user can have a small personal space in which you can add text files and more. (PLEASE USE IT WITH CAUTION)
The seventh icon “Users”, is just a list for knowing who has taken the course with you and you can also know details about the group that you and your colleagues belong.
The eighth icon “Chat”, is a beautiful and easy to use chat-room that everyone can write about anything they would like to discuss in a more informal way that in the forum.
The ninth icon “Wiki”, is used for purposes such as listing references or definitions and more.
The tenth icon “Course progress”, is used for purposes such as monitoring which of the training units are successfully completed.
Of course, in the tool bar you can find many other useful tools, such as: The “Agenda”, which provides you a calendar so that you can be even more organized.
Other useful tools: “Tests”, which can help you test your learning and evaluate your progress.
You will be notified for those announcements by e-mail. Other useful tools: “Announcements” is where your instructor(s) can notify you about assessments and their deadlines, extra test and quizzes or anything else within the courses context. You will be notified for those announcements by e-mail.
Other useful tools: “Groups” is a list that presents the group that you belong in more details. It also has the username of your coach(es).
Other useful tools: “Assignments”, is where your instructor(s) will add new assignments for you to complete in a given timeframe. When the instructor adds a new assignment you will be notified via email. Also, within this icon you can enter to upload any assignment’s material, if it’s requested.
Other useful tools: “Surveys”, is where your instructor(s) might add one or more survey in order to know your opinion on various subjects.
Other useful tools: “Assessments”, is where your instructor(s) might create some assessments for you and your group. You can access and read them directly through this icon.
Other useful tools: “Glossary”, is to help you understand difficult or professional terms or abbreviations.
Other useful tools: “Attendances”, is to inform you about your attendances and their description.
After you complete the course, click here to respond to the survey in order to evaluate the course.
Finally, you can find the logout button within the same option! Let’s now move on to your profile button in which you can modify (add-remove) information about yourself. Also, your e-mails and certificates can be accessed through the same button! Finally, you can find the logout button within the same option!
Click on the icon to try your first training unit! You are now ready to access the Training Units !
This is how the main page of the “Training Units” looks like after you click on the relevant icon.
The project consists of 14 Training Units in total. Each Unit contains a number of lessons and a quiz to test your learning. Lessons Quiz Lessons Quiz
Once you click on the lesson’s link, you can start your training. Click on the box to give it a try.
This is how the first page of the lesson looks like!
Here, you can find the navigation button in order to see and navigate within the contents of the lesson.
Here, you always have the options to see the lesson on a full screen…
…track your stats in terms of the time and effort you spend on the lesson…
…and return to the main page of the Unit!
Let’s get it started!
Once you finish your lesson and return to the main page, you can see that the lesson is completed! This is a useful tool to monitor your progress.
After you study all the lessons included in the Unit, you can answer the quiz to assess your learning.
This is how the quiz looks like! Click on the “Homepage button” to return to the main page of the Course This is how the quiz looks like! After you answer the questions to test you learning, you can click on this button to submit your test and win the “Completion Certificate”
Thank you for watching! We wish you a pleasant training experience.