Content: - Comparison of CH3 and CH2 KER - KER assignment for the two color experiment dissociation at 270 nm and probing of CH3 at 329.500 nm (211 transition)
66019 cm-1 (303.000 nm) CH3 CH2
66503 cm-1 (300.318 nm) CH3 CH2
67275 cm-1 (297.324 nm) CH3 CH2
68684 cm-1 (291.231 nm) CH3 CH2
72977 cm-1 (274.140 nm) CH3 CH2
74249 cm-1 (269.394 nm) CH3 CH2
75905 cm-1 (263.550 nm) CH3 CH2
77165 cm-1 (259.232 nm) CH3 CH2
78370 cm-1 (255.230 nm) CH3 CH2
79610 cm-1 (251.279 nm) CH3 CH2
Possible explanation for the similarities: CH2+ + e- + HBr CH3++ e- + Br/Br* Angular distribution determining process: 1hni 1hni (?) CH3Br# 1hnpd 1hnpd CH3** + Br/Br* CH2** + HBr ? Dissociation involves one bond break: C-Br Dissociation involves effective „one bond break“: C-H and C-Br broken and H-Br formed CH3Br** 2hnr CH3Br
66019 cm-1 (303.000 nm) CH3 CH2
66503 cm-1 (300.318 nm) CH3 CH2
67275 cm-1 (297.324 nm) CH3 CH2
68684 cm-1 (291.231 nm) CH3 CH2
two color experiment – both lasers
two color experiment – probe laser only