HWH Launch Event Thursday 25 April 2013
Agenda Welcome – Sarah Wren, Chairman, Healthwatch Hertfordshire Jane Mordue, Healthwatch England Lesley Watts, E&N Herts Clinical Commissioning Group Stuart Bloom, Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group Healthwatch Hertfordshire’s Priorities – table discussions Feedback from table discussions and next steps for Healthwatch Hertfordshire
Consumer champion Healthwatch Hertfordshire is the new, independent, consumer champion for health, public health, and social care in Hertfordshire Our job is to represent every resident in Hertfordshire who wants to have a voice on the services that are available We will provide evidence based influence to improve services and health and wellbeing across Hertfordshire Healthwatch will help people to find information about local health and care services
Healthwatch in the new Health & Social Care Structure
Where we are... Healthwatch Hertfordshire took up its statutory responsibilities from 1st April 2013 Full Board has been recruited CEO and four team members are in place, and new posts are being advertised Stakeholder panel – has 57 organisational members and also individual members Structure – will incorporate geographically based groups and others focusing on key themes, Enter and View Protocols, training, and support for HwH representatives Communication strategy is being developed
Healthwatch Hertfordshire Structure Board (13 members) Stakeholder Panel General Interest Groups Theme Groups Staff Team
Determining priorities Evidence considered The recommendations from the Francis report and Winterbourne View review Key issues identified by Hertfordshire LINk Key issues identified by CQC relating to Hertfordshire Key issues from Public Health Existing data and evidence on health inequalities The Hertfordshire Health & Wellbeing Strategy Board has reviewed local evidence and data Initial priorities developed Are these the right priorities?
Where next? Effective joint work Tell us how we can help you Help us set our priorities Provide us with evidence Join our Stakeholder Panel Tell local people about us Participate in whichever ways you can – attending events; joining groups; responding to email and social media campaigns