Chapter 1 What do you think happened to Gregor and Boots’ dad? I think that Gregor and Boot’s dad…….
Chapter 2 What do you think the stadium is? Who do you think the girl on the bat is? Why do you think Boots is special to the roaches?
Chapter 3 (We meet Queen Luxa) What evidence from the texts leads us to believe that Luxa is a person with power?
Evidence of Luxa’s power… thin band of gold encircled the girl’s head like a crown like p.27 she rode on a gold bat she gives the bats signals and they respond she has an attitude p.28 she is a show off p.28 she challenges Boots with the ball p.29 her haughty manner p.31
Who has more power, Luxa or Vikus? P.33 * Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
Chapter 4 What type of character is Vikus? Write 2 pieces of evidence to support your answer.
Vikus smiled when Gregor faked out the bats and upset Luxa. Vikus asked Gregor politely to follow him into the palace as guests not as prisoners.
Chapter 4 Discussion Questions p. 36 Vikus says, “It is simple to fall down, but the going up requires much giving.”
p.37 What evidence from the text tells us that the bat riders are well trained, experienced riders?
p. 39 How does Luxa signal a command to the bats and riders?
p. 40 Why did Vikus have a smile on his face after Gregor faked out the bats?
How do we know the palace is a secure place?
Do you think Gregor and Boots will ever make it home?
Chapter 5 p. 57 Gregor thinks to himself… If water could get in and out of the palace…maybe he could, too. What does this lead you to predict?
What adjectives describe the guards and helpers in the palace? Discussion question What adjectives describe the guards and helpers in the palace?
Chapter 6 p.64 Gregor hoped Dolcet would join them, but after tucking Boots into a sort of high chair , she backed up several feet from the table and stood. What does this tell us about the level of power in Regalia?
Adjective that describe Henry… cocky show off Give off bad energy Scary Partners (cousins) with Luxa Nice to others, but not Gregor
Chapter 7 the Escape What detail supports your answer. Part A Part B What word describes the river? gentle relaxing powerful Part B What detail supports your answer.
Who saved Gregor on the beach? Chapter 8 Who killed Fangor? Who saved Gregor on the beach?
p. 98 His father never went anywhere without it. Chapter 9 p. 98 His father never went anywhere without it. What does this lead us to think about Gregor’s father?
Chapter 10 p. 104 “Be glad, Overlander, if they believe your father can be useful. It is all that will give him time,” said Luxa sadly. Time has been mentioned over and over again. What does time really mean to the Underlanders?
An Overlander Warrior, A Son of the Sun, May bring us back light, he may bring us back none.
p.110 “I believe he is already here?” Do you think Gregor is the warrior of The Prophecy?
Chapter 11 Turning Point When a character changes his or her thoughts or actions. p. 114 That was his main goal now. How could he rescue his dad? How has Gregor’s thinking changed since he first fell into the Underland to now?
What image does the author want us to see by using this simile? Chapter 12 Gregor went out on the balcony and could see Regalia swarming like a beehive. What image does the author want us to see by using this simile?
Chapter 13 What made Gregor lose his temper for the first time in the Underland?
“creepy”, sarcasm, theme parks Chapter 13 What mood was felt during the chapter? “creepy”, sarcasm, theme parks TRUST FEAR Gregor hadn’t jumped because deep down he was scared to, and everybody knew it.
Chapter 14 The cockroaches seem to think that Boots is a princess. She was able to identify Temp as the cockroach that rode her to the stadium in part 1. Do you think Boots is royal or has special powers? What text evidence supports your opinion?
Chapter 15 Another Turning Point p. 168 Gregor set Boots down to stretch her legs and asked the cockroaches to keep an eye on her. Vikus said, “It is time those of the prophecy became of one journey, of one purpose, of one mind. All are equal here.” How has the level of trust, respect, and equality changed in this chapter?
“Run. ” he ordered. Gregor tried to object, but Vikus cut him off “Run!” he ordered. Gregor tried to object, but Vikus cut him off. “Run, Gregor! The rest of us are expendable; you are not!” In this sentence, what does expendable mean?
What do you predict the spiders will do with the prisoners? Chapter 16 What do you predict the spiders will do with the prisoners?
Chapter 17 At this point in the plot, who do you think is the most valuable character to the quest? (not Gregor)
Why do you think Vikus would trust a rat to guide the questers? Chapter 18 Why do you think Vikus would trust a rat to guide the questers?
Chapter 19 Do you think that Ripred is a trustable guide for the questers? What evidence supports your opinion?
Explain why Ripred and Gregor “NEED” each other. Chapter 20 Explain why Ripred and Gregor “NEED” each other.
Paraphrase, or explain what it means to be BONDED to your bat. Chapter 21 Paraphrase, or explain what it means to be BONDED to your bat.
Chapter 22 In this chapter, why did Ripred knock Gregor to the ground with his tail?
What is the author saying about how the creature looks? Chapter 23 Then the creature lifted his head and Gregor recognized what was left of his dad. What is the author saying about how the creature looks?
Chapter 24 The last who will die must decide where he stands. The fate of the eight is contained in his hands. Who do you think the pronoun he is referring to in the prophecy????? Gregor Henry Ripred Gregor’s dad
Chapter 25 Luxa has faced many challenges in her life. This chapter ends with a tear in her eye and her hugging Vikus. How has Luxa changed as a character from the beginning of the story to the end of the story?
Explain how Gregor saved Ares from being banished. Chapter 26 Explain how Gregor saved Ares from being banished.
Chapter 27 Do you think that Gregor will return to the Underland? What evidence from the text leads you to this prediction?
Light 1. May bring us back light, he may bring us back none. Chapter 10 2. If the rats can truly extinguish our light, they extinguish our life as well,” said Vikus. P. 135 Chapter 12 3. What sort of light am I supposed to bring back? Asked Gregor? Chapter 12 4. “But you have brought back light to us,” he said firmly. Chapter 26 That is a metaphor. By light, Sandwich means life. p. 135 Chapter 12
Compare and Contrast Gregor and Luxa In the beginning Gregor and Luxa were very different. As the plot progressed, they much more alike.