Love as an emotion Love is tied to a basic emotion—lust Love also rises to the level of more advanced (complicated, learned) emotions Love for mother (and, maybe, dad) Love for a romantic partner Love for humankind (agape)
Stages of love Lust Attraction Attachment
Lust Least advanced emotion Biologically driven Supports mating and procreation Driven by testosterone and estrogen Endorphins released that provide intense pleasurable sensations Infatuation—your lover is perfect
Attraction (lovesick phase) May lose your appetite, daydream about your lover Dopamine, noreprinephrine and serotonin are released into your system May simulate depression Power struggles—may try to shape your lover into your idea of perfection Feelings of infatuation fade Jealousy, possessiveness are demonstrated
Attachment Acceptance of person as a whole—with the warts Commitment Oxytocin and Vasopressin are released during sex and appear to maintain the relationship Likely to occur only with those who share important beliefs, morals, etc. Some evidence of a genetic tendency toward attachment or lack of it
Sociobiology Women want commitment, protection for their offspring Men want to generate as many offspring as possible Conflicting coupling strategies