Test Taking Strategies To help you succeed in your Credit Recovery Course
What does Credit Recovery Mean? A credit recovery course means: That you can take each quiz or exam up to 5 times. If you pass the quiz, you can move on to the following quiz. You must take the unit exam Hint: Most of the quizzes are multiple choice and true/false.
Preparing for your exam… Study the material What does it mean to study? Here are some tips… Take Notes on what you think will be on the exam . Keep a notebook where you document key ideas or important points– note that the vocabulary terms are not always the terms you need to know for the quiz. RE-READ and go through the material more than once, as this has been shown help the memory AND understanding of the concepts
During the Exam… Read and answer each question carefully. Skim or quickly read the whole test. This is so you can get an idea of what you know off the top of your head and answer the questions that you are sure of right away. Read and answer each question carefully. Be careful with long passages. Read the question first. That way you can get an idea of what is being asked and can focus on that while reading the long passage. Go back and check your answers! There is no time limit, although you must finish once you begin. Reread what you selected! Make sure that what you selected makes sense to you.
True or False Always, Never, All, Every, None, No Things to remember! You have a 50/50 chance! If ANY part of the statement is false, the answer is “false.” True statements are not usually always or never. Look carefully at words like: Always, Never, All, Every, None, No Be aware of words containing the contraction for “not,” like: Doesn’t, don’t, isn’t, wasn’t, couldn’t
Matching is connecting an item in one list to an item in another list. Read both of the lists carefully. Match the items you are sure of. Look for clues that will help you. Answer the remaining items through process of elimination. Think carefully about the items that seem to mean the same things. They can be really tricky.
Multiple Choice Questions Check the directions carefully to see if you are supposed to find the answer, or the opposite of the answer, (usually seen when they ask for what is NOT the answer.) Pay special attention to words like never, except, and unless. Narrow your choices by eliminating answers that you know are incorrect, then focus on the remaining answers.