Design of a Bed Seal System for an Adsorber Vessel Amy Boyce JR Daversa Ben Gatto Jake Mattern Brian Smith
Introduction Background Problem Explanation of an adsorber vessel and adsorbent material Problem Discussion of material leakage issues Sources of leakage
The adsorber vessel and material Air separation process Role of adsorbent material Temperature Swing Adsorption (20-170ºC)
Material Leakage What is happening? Why is this such a big problem? Thermal expansion (0.14 inch difference) Adsorbent material is slipping through seal Why is this such a big problem? Reduces efficiency Requires periodic shutdown
Sources of Leakage Key locations What causes the gaps? Wall-grate interface Flange-grate interface What causes the gaps? Thermal cycling Poor material choice (Brass wool) Bending
Our Design Ways it addresses the problem Key features
Ways it addresses the problem Bending eliminated in hold down ring Seal optimized between bed support components Travel paths of beads eliminated Thermal expansion no longer contributes to leakage
Key features Banding of grate Overlapping hold-down ring Even mating surface between components Change of sealant material: brass wool to PTFE
Testing Prototype description Testing mechanism Life-size model Straight Section Testing mechanism Mechanical simulation Crank-rocker (0.25 inch motion) Will simulate 20 years at 6 cycles a day
Off-Design Performance Extra 0.1 inch of motion in the prototype Demonstrates that a greater temperature swing would still work with this design
Conclusions If successful: New design will work not only for current process but for expanded temperature range Leakage will be eliminated Shut-down times will be eliminated due to downstream absorbent material