The Effects of the Cotton Gin and Railroads on Georgia D1: How did the cotton gin change how cotton was processed? D2: How did the cotton gin affect the amount of cotton produced over time? How did it affect slavery over time? D4: What do you notice about the location of most of Georgia’s cotton farms and most of Georgia’s railroads? What pattern do you notice? D3A: How did the cotton gin affect the number of slave states? D3B: How did the cotton gin affect the growth of cities and industry in the south? Picture or Symbol: Draw something that represents what you learned from the DBQ. D5a. Cause: ___________________________________ Effect: Cities and towns were created 5b. What was special about Georgia’s railroads? 5c. How did the city of Atlanta come to be? Summary Paragraph: Fill in the blank spaces. After the invention of the cotton gin, __________________ increased drastically. According to Document # ______, ___________________________________________________________________________. Another major change came from railroads. According to Document # _________, railroads changed Georgia by __________________________________________________________________________. In conclusion, __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________