The Canadian National Committee on Identity Management Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #: GSC14-PLEN-038 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: ISACC AGENDA ITEM: 6.4 CONTACT(S): Jim MacFie The Canadian National Committee on Identity Management Jim MacFie, ISACC Geneva, July 13-16 2009 1
Many groups work on Identity, Identity Management, Privacy, etc.; The Problem Many groups work on Identity, Identity Management, Privacy, etc.; Cohesion is lacking; Concepts and Definitions are inconsistent and differ; Cultures differ in what is meant by identity, privacy, etc., Leads to confusion. Definitions of Identity differ; Definitions of, and span of, Identity Management differ; Inconsistent use and meaning of terms in products from the organization; Confusion rife. 2 Geneva, July 13-16 2009 2
Identities Exist in Many Forms and Places People have multiple “identities”: Work: Family: Hobby: Volunteer: PC Collaboration PDA Video Voice Telephony Smart - Whatever IM, phone Whatever Email you’re doing you’re using Web (applications) Cellular (devices) Apps ERP Wherever you are At your Desk (across various access types) In the Air Managed Office On the Road At Home In Town 3 Geneva, July 13-16 2009 3
Differing Views of Identity and Identity Management Many differing views exist: Business Centric Views Government Centric Views Subscriber Centric Views None of these views coincide Few of these views synchronize 4 Geneva, July 13-16 2009 4
Legacy Identity Management Current Identity Management Trends Wireline Legacy Identity Management Strategic Direction Shift Wireline Current Identity Management Trends Source FG IDM Tutorial, September 2007, Geneva 5 Geneva, July 13-16 2009 5
Challenges Many threats exist to Identity and to Identity Management Threats to Privacy Identification vs. Authentication vs. Verification What happens when things go wrong: Who owns the data? Who has control? Who is responsible? Where is the data stored, Offshore? Who will help resolve the problem? 6 Geneva, July 13-16 2009 6
Current Activities in Many Standards Groups and Fora ISO/IEC JTC 1 ITU-T SG 17 OECD Public and Private sectors Consortia and Fora 7 Geneva, July 13-16 2009 7
Canada's Response – Next Steps Create a single Experts Group to cover all activities and standards; Outreach to other related activities and groups; Establish a consistent set of concepts, terms and definitions across all contexts; Encourage consistent use across all activities (e.g. wireline, wireless and internet interests). 8 Geneva, July 13-16 2009 8