Spring 2004 Internet2 Member Meeting April 19 – 21, 2004 Arlington, VA CR2Net Experiences: Present and Future of Costa Rica´s Research and Education Network Spring 2004 Internet2 Member Meeting April 19 – 21, 2004 Arlington, VA
Agenda Some information about Costa Rica Interest of Costa Rica in the NREN´s Present state of CR2Net Main Potential Challenges of Costa Rica
Costa Rica Located in Centro America. Bounded by Nicaragua, the Caribbean Sea, Panama, and by the Pacific Ocean. Area (19,714 sq mi). The capital is San José.
Environmental Issues Costa Rica’s land is protected by one of the most ambitious conservation programs in Central America. It has also established a booming ecotourism business. The population of Costa Rica (2003 estimate) is 3,896,092, giving the country an overall population density of 198 persons per sq mi.
Education The literacy rate is estimated at 96 percent. Primary and secondary education is free, and attendance is compulsory between the ages of 6 to 15. In 2000, 551,465 pupils were enrolled in 3,711 primary schools and 255,600 students attended public and private secondary schools, and 58,000 students attended public universities.
Social Services Life expectancy is 77 years. A national health plan was established in the 1970s. A social security program has been in operation since 1942 Costa Rica has had no armed forces since 1948. The only security forces are the Civil Guard
Why does Costa Rica have interest in the NREN´s ? “Without education people are condemned underdevelopment ”. (Dr.Castro Madríz, 1er. President of CR, 1847) Interest in gaining access to knowledge Interest in sharing Costa Rican scientific and intellectual product. Interest in having access to new technologies and scientific development.
Present state of CR2Net The creation of national policies aiming at: Creating CR2Net and declaring it of public interest in 2001. Achieving a free broadband of no less than 45Mbps for 7 institutions, of higher Education, Scientific development, as well as the Health and Meteorology Institutes.
Present state of CR2Net continue An organization body has been created for the management and development of CR2Net. Is conformed by a Council integrated by the presidents of the main educational and research organizations in the country, and it´s presided over by the Minister of Science and Technology. The Technical Committee is conformed by a representative of the main organizations of CR2Net.
C R 2 N e t National IP Net NREN´s UCR INM CENAT VPN MPLS UNED UNA switch 3500 switch 3500 switch 3500 VPN MPLS UNED UNA IP IP National IP Net CORE GigaRouter switch 3500 switch 3500 MegaRuter 45 Mbps Submarine Maya - Arcos CCSS NREN´s ITCR IP switch 3500 switch 3500
Main National Tasks It is in the phase of defining the guidelines for the adequate administration of CR2Net. It is developing a regulation model that will guarantee its financial sustainability.
Main International Challenges To reach international connectivity through the following Networks: CLARA GEANT INTERNET2 To encourage the scientific community of Costa Rica to participate in the fields of education and research, that are already being developed at the international level.
Areas of Research and Contribution Health Biotechnology Biodiversidad Serum Antiofídicos Seismology Veterinary Tropical Illnesses State of the Nation/ region. Research in Studies of Gender Clean Energy Sciences of the sea and Limnology Environmental Contamination Sustainable Develop. Software Develop.
Links to Consult www.micit.go.cr Ministerio de CyT www.go.cr Gobierno digital de CR www.anc.ac.cr Academia Nacional de Ciencias www.comex.go.cr Comercio Exterior www.procomer.co.cr Promotor de Comercio www.inbio.ac.cr Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad www.ovsicori.una.ac.cr Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico costarricense. www.ccss.sa.cr Caja Costarricense Seguro Social www.vinv.ucr.ac.cr Vicerrectoría de Investigación UCR www.estadonacion.or.cr Proyecto Estado de la Nación www.odd.ucr.ac.cr Observatorio del Desarrollo UCR www.ucr.ac.cr Universidad de Costa Rica www.uned.ac.cr Universidad Estatal a Distancia www.una.ac.cr Universidad Nacional www.itcr.ac.cr Instituto Tecnológico de CR www.ice.go.cr Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad
Vigny Alvarado valvarad@uned.ac.cr Gracias Vigny Alvarado valvarad@uned.ac.cr