Assessment, Recording and Reporting
Previous assessment system Use of National Curriculum Levels (4a, 5b etc) Formal assessment each half term (six per year) NC Level attained in assessment was result used Attitude to Learning End of Year Targets Above (+), On (=) or Below (-) target Reported each half term
Previous assessment system KS2 End of Y7 End of Y8 End of Y9 4a 5b 6c 6a 5c 5a 6b 7c 7b Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Geography 4a 5b 5c 6c AtL 1 2
New assessment system Use of National Curriculum Levels (4a, 5b etc) Working At Grade is assessed each term (three per year) Attitude to Learning End of Year Targets (Minimum) Reports each term
Benefits of new system Takes account of body of evidence across entire term (Homework, class work, questions and answers etc) Working At Grade cannot go down (Increased accuracy in identifying attainment and progress and thus planning lessons) Minimum target allows everyone to aspire for more Easier for students and parents to see progression
Even newer new assessment system From September, National Curriculum Levels will no longer be used, and will be replaced by numerical grades (9 - 1)
Benefits of new system From September, the new grading system will link directly to GCSE equivalent grades (9 - 1) Students will be able to track their progress towards GCSE grades easily throughout their time at LHEA
September preview NC Level Grade Equivalent 4a 1+ 5c 2- 5b 2= 5a 2+ 6c 3- 6b 3= KS2 NC Level KS2 Grade End of Y7 NC Level Grade Equivalent 4a 1+ 5b 2=
Working At Grade (NC Level) Target Grade Equivalent September preview GCSE Subjects Predicted Grade Target Grade English 7+ Maths 7= 8- KS3 Subjects Working At Grade (NC Level) WA Grade Equivalent (NC Level) Target Grade Equivalent History 5a 2+ Geography 6c 3- 5b 2= German 4a 1+