Name Age 14 PPL 12O For Mr. McCallum Fitness Testing 2014 Part 2 Name Age 14 PPL 12O For Mr. McCallum
Legend Improvement Stayed the Same Did Worse Red lettering: New Score Blue Lettering: Means no change
Flexibility Sit and Reach Score: +1 +4 Rating: 3 /71% 3+/78% Comments: I think I did better on this test because of stretching every gym class Shoulder Flexibility Score: 25 inches 22 inches Rating: 4+ / 87% 4 /84% Comments: This probably got worse because I lifted weights and my shoulders were probably bigger making this more difficult
Dominant Grip Right Hand Score: 66 kg 77 kg Rating:4+ /87% 4++/91% Left Hand Score: 65 kg 70 kg Rating: 4+ /87% 4+ /87% Comments: I did a lot better with my right and a bit better with left. Probably lifting weights had a lot to do with this.
Agility Run Score: 14.75s 14.22s Rating: 4++/91% 4++/91% Comments: I really improved on this test and that’s because of doing a lot of explosive leg exercise at the gym.
Sit-ups Burpees Score: 13 15 Rating: 2- / 61% 2+/68% Comments: I wanted to improve by at least 5 and I did because I was beside Dan and we had a contest to see who could do the most and this pushed me to do more. Burpees Score: 13 15 Rating: 2- / 61% 2+/68% Comments: I still didn’t get a good score because I think there is a special technique I’m missing…
Vertical Jump Score: 27 inches Rating: 4+ / 87% Comments: I didn’t bring my results up despite doing leg exercise. Maybe I was tired from another test and didn’t jump my maximum.
Standing Long Jump Score: 2.71m 2.80m Rating: 4++/95% 4+++/100% Comments: I did a bit better on this but even though it wasn’t a big improvement, it’s hard to improve on 2.71 meters.
Pull Ups Score: 5 7 Rating: 3-/71% 3+/78% Comments I rested my arms before this test and got a better score as a result.
Mile Run Score: 6’06 Rating: 4++/91% Comments: I wanted to get under 6 minutes but I didn’t get that because we didn’t build up to it at all. There isn’t an original score because I missed it for track.
Flexed Arm Hang Score: 38.7s 40.5s Rating: 2- /61% Comments: I always do bad at this and I’m just happy I improved a little bit
Wall Ball Toss Score: 70 76 Rating: 4+++/100% Comments: I think playing baseball has a lot to do with this and that’s why I got a good score both times.