Rainbowtide‘s Remembrance... July 2001 The story scrolls like a diashow and the pages advance automatically when using powerpoint. On the website click the > or < (slides 1 – 62) with your mouse. To discontinue, hit the Esc key July 2001 Copyrights reserved I am
Freedom ...but ... How ?
1 My birth... I am coming
Experience with violence! 2 My first Experience with violence!
3 My first Experience of Separation And Abandonment...
Screaming for attention... 4 My first Experience of Screaming for attention...
I am so confined in this body! 5 I can‘t express it – no one understands me! I have no language yet!
No – My body is my vehicle... So... Am i my body? 6 No – My body is my vehicle...
No – My mind is my activity And Expression... So... Am i my mind? 7 No – My mind is my activity And Expression...
Where do i get everything from that i am? So... Where do i get everything from that i am? 8 From mum and dad...as they get it from mum and dad and as they got it from theirs... etc.
Mum and daddy gave it to me! So... Am i my name? 9 No! Mum and daddy gave it to me!
Mum and daddy gave it to me! Am i my language? 10 No! Mum and daddy gave it to me!
Mum and daddy gave it to me! then... Am i my education? 11 No! Mum and daddy gave it to me!
Mum and daddy gave it to me! Hmmm ... Am i my religion? 12 No! Mum and daddy gave it to me!
Am i my status in society? How about ... Am i my status in society? 13 No! I was born into that and... Mum and daddy gave it to me!
Mum and daddy gave it to me! Well ... Am i my skin-color? 14 No! Mum and daddy gave it to me!
So... Am i female or male? No! That‘s only my Physical and Chemical 15 No! That‘s only my Physical and Chemical Condition! ...
Condition from parental dna! Let‘s see... Am i physical features? 16 No! That is a genetic Condition from parental dna!
Mum and dad were there first! Could it be... Am i my tribe? 17 No! Mum and dad were there first!
Am i my condition because i was born in sin? Shrug... Am i my condition because i was born in sin? 18 No! Mum and dad taught me, that was the original sin!
Am i my cultural belief and behaviour system? So... Am i my cultural belief and behaviour system? 19 No! I was born into that!
If i was born into a moslem family... now... If i was born into a moslem family... 20 I would be Moslem!
If i was born into a christian family... and... If i was born into a christian family... 21 I would be Christian!
Mum and daddy showed them to me. interesting... Am i my fears? 22 No! Mum and daddy showed them to me.
Am i my behaviour in society? 23 No! Mum and daddy and society taught me that.
Mum and daddy and society were first... Am i my life experience in terms of abundance and living conditions, etc ?... 24 No! Mum and daddy and society were first...
Am i my belief system and behaviour system ?... 25 Nope! I got that from Mum and daddy and society ...
heck... Am i on this planet earth? 26 YES !!!
No!!!! So... Is anything on this planet that i experienced... 27 Created by anyone else but me? No!!!!
I was taught... 28 How to experience it...
How to create and sustain it... I was taught... 29 How to create and sustain it...
As it was always like that for generations I was taught Not to question it !!! 30 As it was always like that for generations
Because my forefathers couldn‘t either I was taught That i can Not change it !!! 31 Because my forefathers couldn‘t either
Am i thus a victim of what i was taught? 32 I must be -Because i have no other belief system
Am i teaching the same things to my children? 33 Am i their example as mum and dad where mine ?...
So what Am i now? First my belief system – my life condition - 34 My behaviour pattern – my experiences – my paths...
I am also my Belief system... 35 Based on My choices!
But, was i all this, when i was born ?? 36 No!! I was taught all this! And that is what is called my ego!!!
So... What i believe i am now Is not my true self! 37 But only what i believe of myself !!! This is called Ego.
So... Who am i really? 38 Must be something that was there when i was born... That i cannot remember !!
It can‘t be conditional love... I know It can‘t be conditional love... 39 I was taught that !! So it must be Uncondtional Love !!!
It can‘t be lack nor loss... I know It can‘t be lack nor loss... 40 I was taught that !! It wasn‘t so when i came here...
I know It can‘t be pain nor hurt... 41 I was taught that. I am joy !
There is something more... I know There is something more... 42 I was that !! Before i was programmed...
That something more, Must still be somewhere hidden 43 By false programming...
So... How will i find that ??? 44 How ? And Where ?
Ok Let‘s have a look ! 45 I am I am creative but Reactive...
Creativity... Serves me ! 46 Reactivity... Does not serve me!
Release myself from all reactive behaviours Knowing this... I am going to 47 Release myself from all reactive behaviours
I already know where it‘s from. I must see it!! And now... How? Hmmmm.... 48 I already know where it‘s from. I must see it!! And now... reProgram it, Myself!
I think... If i remove my programming 49 I will be able to see who i truly am again
Now... The crucial question: 50 Guess 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
Do i love myself enough 51 To release myself From this programming?
Hmmm yes... 52 Where do i Start?
The Creator is everywhere !! All the time I know... 53 The Creator is everywhere !! All the time
so... God was there when i was born 54 In my mind as well – That is why i look so serene
I allowed myself To be programmed... And to forget Who I really am !!! 55 And to forget Who I really am !!!
I became... 56 Competitive !
I desire to be myself again... 57 But.......how ??
I forgive ... Myself !!! That i allowed myself to be programmed !! 58 That i allowed myself to be programmed !! This is my gift of release. Yes!
Freedom !!!! 59 I am me again ! I am, i am, i am!
In love, uncondtionally Rainbowtide In love, uncondtionally 60 July 2001 Copyrights reserved I am Authors‘ web site Return