A Finnish Approach For  Sustainable Forest Management and Energy Security Prof. Hannu Ilvesniemi.


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Presentation transcript:

A Finnish Approach For  Sustainable Forest Management and Energy Security Prof. Hannu Ilvesniemi

In Finland forests are sinks of carbon and sources of wood products, energy and biodiversity 31.12.2018


Finland's forest resources Total Area, ha Total area of Finland 33 843 000 Inland watercourses 3 454 000 Land area 30 389 000 Forestry land 26 194 000 - Forest land 20 268 000 - Poorly productive forest land 2 501 000 - Unproductive land 3 228 000 Forest roads, depots, etc. 198 000 Agricultural land 2 694 000 Built-up areas 1 039 000 Transport routes, etc. 461 000 31.12.2018

Growing stock volume on forest land 31.12.2018

The annual growth of Finnish forests during the last 75 years 31.12.2018

The development of the amount of standing forests in Finland according to the National Forest Inventories Forests in the bio-based economy 31.12.2018

Sustainable use of forests and carbon-neutrality targets can be combined Forests in the bio-based economy 31.12.2018

Total Energy Consumption in Finland 31.12.2018

Forest regeneration 31.12.2018

Roundwood consumption in Finland 31.12.2018

Finland’s Proportion of Production and Exports 31.12.2018

The growth rate of forests depends on environmental factors like radiation (r), temperature (t), moisture (w) and on the other hand on investments done into forests (i) (including site preparation, planting, plant breeding and fertilization) The change in the tree biomass in forests can be presented as a spatial (s) and temporal (t) integral (∫) of these factors t s ∫ ∫ (r, t, w, i) 0 0 In such calculations, if the time period looked at is short, the spatial area observed has to be large enough (preferably whole country) and if the spatial area looked at is small, the observation period needs to be long enough like (80 years), otherwise the calculation is not sensible. Forests in the bio-based economy 31.12.2018

To understand the logic of the carbon sinks of forests is challengin The annual growth of Finnish forests was in 1970 c.a. 50 milj. m3/a. After that more than 10 billion E has been invested to several silvicultural operations and due to that Finnish forests grow now more than 100 milj. m3/a. When suggesting to store carbon in older forests the outcom is not an increased sink but the opposite e.g. due to the reduced interest to invest in the future forest growth. 31.12.2018

The primary cause of climate change is the use of fossil fuels By taking good care of forests the case of Finland serves as an example of the unexpected situation where the intensive use and good care of forests we have increased simultaneously the biomass use, growth and standing biomass. 31.12.201831.12.201831.12.2018

More Facts from Finnish Forests and Forestry can be Found from: http://www.metla.fi/metinfo/tilasto/julkaisut/vsk/taulukot/2014/index.html#luku_1 31.12.201831.12.201831.12.2018

Thank You! Forests in the bio-based economy 31.12.2018