Non-Fiction What is Non-Fiction? What are some examples of Non-Fiction? What are some elements of Non-Fiction?
Non-Fiction Terms 1. Biography-the of a person's told by someone 2.Autobiography- the of a person's told by that Memoir-focuses on one or a in a person's Journal- narrative that reflects the passage of in one's Diary- a dated of the life Letter- communication between parties story life else story life person event period life personal time life record writer’s written two
Non-Fiction Terms 3. Essay- piece of writing on a subject short single Personal-expresses writers’ and Persuasive- tries to readers to a certain point of Expository- presents or information 4. Informative article- provides about a subject short single thoughts feelings convince adopt view explains facts single
Non-Fiction Terms objective News story- and account of events unbiased Feature story- interest story focusing on interesting or Magazine article- writing designed to and hold your 5. Interview- a in which one person asks to obtain objective unbiased current human events people catch attention conversation questions information
Non-Fiction Terms Patterns of Organization 1. Chronological (time order)-writing that _______ events or ____________in time ________ 2. Sequential-writing that _________events or steps in the __________ in which they ________ 3. Cause and Effect-writing in which one _________ (or cause) results in __________event (or effect) presents steps order presents order occur event another
Non-Fiction Terms 4. Compare and Contrast- writing that explains and between two or more 5. Problem and Solution-writing that an _____ and proposes a 6. Spatial-writing that helps the reader picture among 7. Simple Listing-writing that lists items in a series of supporting or . similarities differences subjects identifies issue solution relationships objects randomly facts details
Non-Fiction Foldable Types of Non-Fiction Patterns of Organization Biography Chronological Autobiography Sequential Memoir Cause and Effect Journal,Diary,Letter Compare and Contrast Essay (personal, persuasive, Problem and Solution expository) Informative Article Spatial Interview Simple Listing
Person Place Thing Idea Nouns Person Place Thing Idea Common Noun: city, team, boy Proper Noun: Charlotte, Giants, Steven Compound Noun: firefly, bloodhound Common names for things Specific Names Two words put together to make a noun
Ticket Out In your own words, what is non-fiction? How do we use non-fiction on a daily basis? List 3 examples.