Statistics for research and ecology By : Michelle Ortiz
Sharks Length (cm)
Sea Turtles Number of sea turtle
Bottle Caps
Length in Centemeter Sea Cigars Length in centimeter
Probability Probability: A way to measure the chances of something will occur in relation to possible alternatives. What threats are coral reefs facing? -Sewage -Chemical Pollution -Marine Debris -Destructive Fishing -Sedimentation
Variance and standard deviaton Variance-The amount of variation that exist around the mean. Ex. Examples of continuous variation are anything that can be measured such as, size, height, weight , or an object
T-test A t-test equation is used to calculate the t-statistic. It is designed to test weather there is a significant difference between the means of two independent samples , of your treatment and control groups. The t test incorporates the mean, variance, and the number in the sample.
Chi-square test In class we played the sea turtle game to see how many turtles survived and how many died. Before we did predictions so that at the end we would look at the difference in our predictions and the actual amount of turtles that survived and died. The Chi-squared test can be used to see if there are any significant differences between data sites or sources.