Introduction to Multilines Sacramento City College Engineering Design Technology Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Drawing Multilines A multiline consists of between 1 and 16 parallel lines that act as one line. The lines in the set of multilines are called elements. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Drawing Multilines Multilines are commonly used for drawing Roads Walls of buildings for architectural plans. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Drawing Multilines The MLINE command is accessed by: Picking the Multiline button from the Draw toolbar OR Picking Multiline in the Draw pull-down menu Typing ML or MLINE at the Command: prompt. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Drawing Multilines Three commands relate to multilines: MLINE. (ML) MLSTYLE. MLEDIT. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Drawing Multilines The MLSTYLE command Allows you to create multilines. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Drawing Multilines The default multi-line style has: Two elements (lines). Continuous line type. Is called STANDARD. Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Justification Justification determines how the resulting lines are offset. Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Justification Can be specified only once during a single MLINE command sequence and Is based on a counterclockwise rotation direction. Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Justification The justification options are Top Zero Bottom TOP is the default The current value remains in effect until changed. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Top Justification Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Zero Justification Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Bottom Justification Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Justification To change the justification Enter J at the first prompt Enter the first letter of the desired justification Top Zero Bottom Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Justification The justification setting is stored in the AutoCAD CMLJUST system variable. Introduction to Multilines
Adjusting the Multiline Scale The Scale option controls the multiplier for the offset values specified in the MLSTYLE command. The multiplier is stored in the CMLSCALE system variable. Introduction to Multilines
Adjusting the Multiline Scale When the scale is 1, the distance between multiline elements is equal to 1 times the offset distance. If the offset distance is 0.5, the distance between multiline elements is 0.5 when the multiline scale is 1. If the multiline scale is 2, the distance between multiline elements is 1 (0.5 x 2). Introduction to Multilines
Adjusting the Multiline Scale For zero justification, The multiline elements are offset 0.5 units on either side of the definition points picked. Example: If the multiline scale is 2 Top and Bottom justification = 2 units offset Zero justification = 1 unit and -1 unit offset. Introduction to Multilines
Setting Your Own Multiline Style ML Command Style option Allows you to specify the current multiline style. The style must be saved before it can be accessed. Introduction to Multilines
Setting Your Own Multiline Style Using saved Multiline styles Type: ML Type: ST - to access the style option, Type the known multiline style name. A “?” lists all of the names of the multiline styles. Typing a name of a multiline style that does not exist, the Load multiline style from file dialog box is displayed Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Setting Your Own Multiline Style Multilines are stored in the acad.mln file library. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Setting Your Own Multiline Style You can load the multiline style from another file (not acad.lin). Custom multilines can be purchased for AutoCAD. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Defining Multilines Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles Use the MLSTYLE command to define multilines. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles The MLSTYLE command can be accessed by: Picking the Multiline Style entry in the Format pull-down menu OR Typing MLSTYLE at the Command: prompt. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles The Multiline options are: Current: Name: Description: Load... Button: Save... button. Add button. Rename button. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles Current: Text box. The Current: text box makes the specified multiline style current. Specifying a different style changes the setting of the CMLSTYLE system variable. Until you create a multiline style, the only style available is STANDARD. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles Name:Text box. This text box is used to enter the name for a new style. Description: Text box. An optional description of your multiline style may be entered in this text box. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles Load... button. This button allows you to load a multiline style from an external multiline definition file. Save... button. The Save... button is used to save a style to a file. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles Add button. Pick the Add button after entering a multiline style name in the Name: text box. This adds the multiline style name to the list of defined styles. Rename button. Pick this button to rename a multiline style. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Creating A Multiline Introduction to Multilines
Element Properties Dialog Box Create a new multiline style by 1. MLStyle 2. Type name of new multiline “NewExample” 3. Click ADD Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Element Properties Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Element Properties Dialog Box Elements Properties Dialog Box contains: Elements: area. Add button. Delete button. Offset text box. Color... button. Linetype... button. Introduction to Multilines
Element Properties Dialog Box Elements: area. Displays the current: Offset. Color Linetype settings for each multiline element. Picking one of the elements highlights the items for modification. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Element Properties Dialog Box Add button. Add a new element to the multiline definition. Delete button. Deletes a highlighted item in the Elements: area. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Element Properties Dialog Box Offset text box. Enter either a positive or negative offset value for a highlighted element. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Element Properties Dialog Box Color... button. Accesses the Select Color dialog box. Pick the color you wish to assign to the highlighted element. After picking OK, the new color is displayed in the image tile next to the Color... button. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Element Properties Dialog Box Linetype... button. Pick the desired linetype from the Loaded Linetypes list. Linetypes must be loaded before they can be used. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Options Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Dialog Box The Multiline Properties dialog box offers additional options for customizing multiline styles. Access by: Picking the Multiline Properties... button in the Multiline Styles dialog box. See Figure 15-12. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Dialog Box You can add the following to multi-line elements Caps. Segment joints. Background color. Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Dialog Box Joints Are lines that connect the vertices of adjacent multiline elements. Joints are also called miters. Display joints check box. This check box turns the display of joints on and off. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Dialog Box Caps Are lines that Connect the vertices of the beginning or ending points of the multiline elements. Caps area. Controls the placement of caps on multilines. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Dialog Box Caps can be set at the Start points Endpoints Both. Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Dialog Box Arcs can also be specified. Arcs can be set to connect the Ends of the outermost elements only Pairs of interior elements Both the outer and interior elements. The arcs are drawn tangent to the elements they connect. Specifying outermost arcs to be drawn requires at least two multiline elements. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Dialog Box Angle: Text Box Allows you to change the angle of the caps relative to the direction of the multiline elements. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Multiline Properties Dialog Box Fill area. If the check box labeled On is activated, the multiline is filled with a solid fill pattern in the color specified. Pick this check box to activate the Color... button. You can leave the color set to BYLAYER or change it by picking the Color... button. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Multiline Styles MLSTYLE command Displays the Multiline Styles dialog box. Use this box to define, edit, and save multiline styles. Styles can be saved to an external file so they can be used in other drawings. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Editing Multilines Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Editing Multilines The MLEDIT command permits limited editing operations for multiline objects. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Editing Multilines Access this command by Picking Multiline... from the Modify pull-down menu OR Entering MLEDIT at the Command: prompt Picking the Edit Multiline button in the Modify toolbar. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Editing Multilines The Multiline Edit Tools dialog box is displayed. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Editing Multilines The image buttons give you an example of what to expect when using each editing option. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Pick a button to create the type of intersection shown. The name of the MLEDIT option is displayed in the lower left comer of the dialog box when you pick an image button. Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Closed Cross. The first multiline selected is called the background. It remains unchanged. The second multiline selected is called the foreground. It remains unchanged. Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Note that the trimming is apparent, not actual. ( ! ) This means that the line visibility of the background multiline is changed, but it is still one multiline. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections U to undo the intersection you have just made. Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Cross editing options: Closed Cross. Open Cross. Merged Cross. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines Editing Tees Other Tee editing options: Closed Tee Open Tee. Merged Tee. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Other options: Corner Joint. Add Vertex. Delete Vertex. Cut Single. Cut All. Weld All. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Corner Joint. Allows you to create a corner joint between two multilines. The first multiline is trimmed or extended to its intersection with the second multiline. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Add Vertex. Adds a vertex to an existing multiline at the location you pick. Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Add Vertex The command sequence differs slightly from the sequences used with the other MLEDIT options. After you select the Add Vertex option and pick OK, you are prompted with the following: Select mline: (pick a location on the multilinefor the new vertex) Select mline or [Undo]: j Command: Introduction to Multilines
Editing Intersections Delete Vertex. The Delete Vertex option allows you to remove a vertex from an existing multiline. The vertex closest to the location you pick is deleted. Introduction to Multilines
Introduction to Multilines