Warm front 3 hours later Cold air is getting shallower.. Inversion at 1.5 km. Cold air advection still going on. Inbound winds intensifying in cold air. Warm front may be getting closer but it is intensifying.
Warm front T plus 6 Depth of cold air down to 1.1 km. No cold air advection in cold air. Winds near surface have backed to more northeast. Winds in cold air continue to increase. At rate cold air depth is shrinking would take 12 hours for front to get through. Surface temps have not changed.
Warm front T plus 12 Cold air down to depth of 800 metres but precip ending as wave goes by.
Two Different Warm Fronts It’s “What Lies Beneath” That Counts.
Two different warm fronts We can see inbound easterlies on both. We can see low level jet on both. One has sharper pattern and cold air advection. Front moved through fairly quickly in case 2.
Other examples of Warm fronts (1)
Other examples of Warm fronts (2)
Warm fronts with Southerly Winds in cold air. Previous examples lows moving from southwest. Alberta clippers moving from northwest could have southerlies ahead of warm front veering to northwesterlies aloft.
Loop of Oct 27 2003 Warm front number 3