Introduction I: The Importance of the Resurrection of Jesus 1. Deity of Jesus 2. Death of Jesus 3. Resurrection of Jesus
The Resurrection 1. Center of NT Theology 2. Center of NT Practice
The Beginning and the End of EVERYTHING As long as we’re sure that Jesus is the son of God, who died on the cross for our sins, and was raised from the dead... Christianity follows.
Two Strongest Evidences for Naturalism 1. Evolution 2. The Problem of Evil
There are More than 300 Verses in the New Testament that Refer to the Resurrection of Jesus!
Resurrection Topic 1: Believers Will Be Raised Like Jesus Acts 4: 2 1 Peter 1: 3
Resurrection Topic 2: Grieving with Hope 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Introduction II: Current Scholarship Surrounding the Research Field of the Resurrection
Since the mid-1970’s, the field of theological studies has experienced a mild shift to the right.
Raymond E. Brown Introduction to New Testament Christology (1994) Major American name for NT studies, near the close of the 20th century Introduction to New Testament Christology (1994)
Where are we in Resurrection Studies? A similar shift has occurred More scholars today believe something really happened to Jesus after his death than those who do not.
The Preponderance of Evidence Says Jesus was Raised!
Summary: Two Questions 1. Do we know the resurrection happened? 2. And if it did happen, how would it ground our major tenets of theology in practice?