Enter Week of Here Kelly.Randolph@henry.k12.ga.us Davida.lyons@henry.k12.ga.us Dear parents, We will be busy assessing in kindergarten this week! Students will participate in the GKIDS Readiness Assessment, MAP assessment, and Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment. Although starting the year with so many assessments is not fun for the students (or the teachers!) the data derived from these tests helps teachers to plan meaningful lessons for your child based on their personal needs. Our goal is to provide the best possible education for your child by meeting them where they are and supporting them through personalized lessons and activities. August 16: Curriculum Night @ 6:00 pm August 21: Lunch on the Lawn (Our lunch is at 10:55 am) August 31: All Pro Dads @ 7:15 am What are we learning this week? I can identify the front cover, back cover and title page. I can name and define the role of the author and illustrator. I can print letters. I can name all upper and lowercase letters. I can demonstrate one-to-one sound correspondences. I can ask questions to compare and sort objects made of different materials. I can use my senses and science tool to classify objects by one or more characteristics. I can explain what the rules are and why they should be followed. I can explain why rules are made. I can count to 100 by ones and tens. I can write numbers 0-20. I can count forward from any given number. I can classify objects into given categories. I can represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20.
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