Stocking a Healthy Pantry: Navigating Options at the Grocery Store Joan Plummer RD LMNT CDE 402-562-4462 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Healthy Shopping Skills Know your store Bring a list Use the Facts Healthy Shopping Skills
Know Your Store – food groups often grouped together Fruits Often located in produce aisle, canned goods, freezer aisle, salad bar Best choices are fresh, frozen and canned with no sugar, and dried fruit Know Your Store – food groups often grouped together
Know Your store- food groups often grouped together Vegetables Often located in produce aisle Unknown, canned goods, freezer aisle, salad bar, pasta, rice and bean aisle Best choices are fresh, frozen canned with no salt added, dry beans, peas, and lentils Know Your store- food groups often grouped together
Know your store- food groups often grouped together Grains Often located in bakery, bread aisle, pasta and rice aisle, cereal aisle, frozen aisle for waffles, pancakes etc Best choices are whole grains for at least half of choices Know your store- food groups often grouped together
Know your store- food groups often grouped together - Milk, yogurt and cheese Located in dairy case and refrigerated aisle Choose skim or 1% milk, fat free evaporated milk, plain yogurt, low fat and fat free cheese, fortified plant milks Know your store- food groups often grouped together
Know your store- food groups often grouped together Protein foods Often located in deli, meat and poultry case, seafood counter, egg case, canned goods, dry bean aisle, salad bar, Choose lean meat( round, loin), skinless poultry, fish, legumes(dried beans and peas), soy crumbles, veggie burgers, natural nut butters, unsalted nuts and seeds Know your store- food groups often grouped together
Bring a list! Plan meals ahead of time Have family involved in meal planning Include a variety of healthy food groups Write your list to match the groups to the layout of the store Most healthy foods are located in the perimeter of the store Use phone apps for making lists Check weekly ads for specials Stick to your list Bring a list!
Look for more fiber, vitamins and minerals Use Nutrition Facts label to help determine healthy nutrition information Keep the food item low in saturated fat, trans fat, fats, cholesterol sugar and sodium Look for more fiber, vitamins and minerals 3-3-300 rule-3 g fiber, <3 g fat,<300 mg sodium Use the Facts! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Use the Facts
Read the ingredient list! Ingredient list listed in order of predominance Reduce processed foods Avoid foods that have more than five ingredients or ingredients you can’t buy in the grocery store Avoid cereals that contain sugar as 1st or 2nd ingredient Look for whole grains as the first ingredient Read the ingredient list!
Save money at the grocery store! Shop with a list Plan meals ahead of time using foods on hand Use store ads and coupons Buy fruits and vegetables in season, consider frozen when not in season Check unit pricing Don’t shop when hungry Avoid distractions Shop only one to two times / week Limit empty calorie beverages Save money at the grocery store! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Enjoy food shopping while exploring different foods Plan more meatless meals Look for a variety of color and textures Try new recipes with more whole foods Shop for minimally processed foods if convenience is needed Enjoy!