SAI PMF Progress Update Annual INTOSAI CBC Meeting World Bank, Washington DC 18th September 2017
IDI responsibilities as SAI PMF operational lead Support assessment quality Training material Guidance and support material Training courses and workshops Awareness raisings Ad hoc support Communication Facilitate Use of Results Regional SAI PMF implementation plans, in collaboration with INTOSAI regions Regional Facilitation programs, in collaboration with INTOSAI regions Independent review of quality Guidance and work papers for independent review (IR) Promote importance of IR Arrange IR (incl. conduct) Training courses to develop future reviewers Global Monitoring Progression of individual assessments, keep track of key information Development of pool of SAI PMF experts IDI responsibilities as SAI PMF operational lead 31/12/2018 SAI Finland April 2017
Overall Progress Update Progress towards fulfilment of the SAI PMF Strategy 2017-19 significant (challenge: staffing of the SAI PMF unit). Implementation of SAI PMF annual plan 2017 - generally progressing as scheduled in revised plan for 2017 (challenge: development of regional implementation plans) All outcome indicator targets set in the SAI PMF strategy for 2017 reached, or within reach by end of 2017 31/12/2018 SAI Finland April 2017
IDI Progress Report 2017 – Support Quality New developments - training course and guidance material New training program structure with five modules New basic training course material (module 1&2) Advanced modules material (3-5) under development Revised guidance material Additional work papers and templates Training course and guidance material - to be available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic
IDI Progress Report 2017 – Support Quality cont. Delivery of training courses and workshops 2 individual basic training courses on the SAI PMF (Lisbon and Pretoria) 3 more scheduled for 2017 (Manila and Marocco) Direct individual support 4 orientation meetings with individual SAIs 1 more scheduled for 2017. Ad hoc support to a number of SAIs and SAI PMF teams .
IDI Progress Report 2017 – Facilitate Assessments and Use of Results Commenced work on developing regional implementation plans in cooperation with INTOSAI regional Secretariats and other relevant committees Started discussions with INTOSAI regions about programs to facilitate conduct of SAI PMF and use of results Pilot programme: roll out of phase II of PASAI facilitation programme, covering 6 SAIs northern islands Program for use of results: Collaborate with IDI program Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting – program is under development, based on SAI PMF
IDI Progress Report 2017 – Independent Review Promote Importance of IR communicated in all new SAI PMF material Promoted in training course material Guidance Revised Independent Review Report Template IR guidance scheduled to be revised later in 2017 Admin. Arranged and overlooked 8 IR, and conducted 1 Number of requests IDI receives is rising fast, expected to continue Future focus: Targeted development of independent reviewers
IDI Progress Report – Global Monitoring IDI monitors progression of SAI PMF assessments globally, and key information of individual assessments IDI monitors development of global pool of SAI PMF experts
Progress of SAI PMF assessments, cumulative numbers
Progress of SAI PMF assessments cont.
Progress – Pool of Experts 895 people trained in SAI PMF since 2013: 81% delegates from SAIs, 15% from donor organisations, 4% consultants, other government org. Difficult to identify available assessment team members for peer and external assessments (resource people for programs?) Few available and qualified future independent reviewers 31/12/2018 SAI Finland April 2017
Way Forward - Challenges and Risks High turnover of staff – limited SAI PMF experienced staff in SAI PMF unit Funding for various support and coordination activities Development of pool of SAI PMF experts – to be used as resource people and independent reviewers Establish and sustain needed cooperation with INTOSAI- regions and relevant committees to develop and implement regional SAI PMF plans Tracking of assessments globally – depending on SAIs and other stakeholders sharing information